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In Issue 118

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Issue 118: March 2016

In this issue

Honey cerate................................ 3

Bee colonies kept naturally face fewer problems............................ 6

The Bee House.............................. 9


Look Ahead..................................11

Learn Ahead................................11

Bees for Development Ethiopia...12

Telling the bees (part 2)..............14

FACTSHEET: Top-bar hive bee space...........................................17


Using competition to promote best practice................................21


Bees for development Journal

Produced quarterly and sent to readers in over 130 countries

Editor: Nicola Bradbear PhD Co-ordinator: Helen Jackson BSc Subscriptions cost £26 per year - see page 23 for ways to pay

Readers in developing countries may apply for a sponsored subscription. Apply online or use the form on page 24.

Bees for development Trust

Works to assist beekeepers in developing countries.

Support Bees for development Trust gratefully acknowledge Marr Munning Trust, E H Thorne Ltd, Size of Wales, The Waterloo Foundation, and the many groups and individuals who support our work. Please encourage your friends and colleagues to help.


You are welcome to translate and/or reproduce items appearing in Bees for development Journal (BfdJ) as part of our Information Service. Permission is given on the understanding that BfdJ and author(s) are acknowledged, Bfd contact details are provided in full, and you send us a copy of the item or the website address where it is used.

Cover picture A woman with her bees and beehive made with support from Bees for Development Ethiopia – see more on pages 12–13.

Photo © Bees for development

Bees for development

1 Agincourt Street, Monmouth NP25 3DZ, UK

Telephone: +44 (0)1600 714848info@beesfordevelopment.org


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