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APIEXPO- AFRICA 2016 in Kigali, Rwanda 21-26 September
Mr Vincent Hakizimana, expert beekeeper writes:
The Best Producer Organisation and Overall Best Exhibitor at APIEXPO AFRICA 2016 was Ubwiza bwa Nyungwe Beekeepers Union located at Nyamagabe District, Southern Province, Rwanda. There were around 55 countries represented by 68 exhibitors including Tanzania, Turkey, Nigeria, Uganda and USA.

Mr Vincent Hakizimana receives the Best Producer Organsation Award on behalf of Nyungwe Beekeepers from Mr Harun Baiya, Chair of ApiTrade Africa
I would like to thank you very much for your support because we as the community surrounding Nyungwe National Park in Rwanda became able to use top-bar hives. We also helped to initiate the young and women to be involved in beekeeping of which they previously afraid. We are proud for you to know that ApiExpo Africa 2016 helped us to be aware of:
1. The progress of beekeepers in the African sector and their vision
2. New methods and techniques for other advanced beekeepers
3. Marketing of bee products
4. The location of beekeeping equipment producers
5. The challenges faced by African beekeepers.
On behalf of Ubwiza bwa Nyungwe Beekeepers Union, we members say Hello to your lovely Bees for Development family.
NIGERIA will be the next host of ApiExpo Africa 2018.

Beautiful display by Ubwiza bwa Nyungwe Beekeepers Union who work in and around Nyungwe Forest in south-west Rwanda
Photos: Vincent Hakizimana