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I have finally found the real name of the proposed bee bee tree. It is different from the other bee bee tree. It is a tropical plant Hannoa undulata. Please see my picture (below). It blooms here in Krachi West District of the Northern Volta of Ghana, from October until December. Krachi West is a savannah area.

Kafui Kwesi Appiah, Honey For Wealth Beekeepers Association
Youth embrace beekeeping
In Nigeria our youth are seen as vital sources of power for development, and as leaders of tomorrow. Youth constitute the major resource for any country aiming for any meaningful rural development.
Some writers argue that young people, through antisocial behaviour and activities, are a threat to society. WE find that youth exposed to beekeeping entrepreneurial education contribute to the nation’s overall development, and will never be a threat. WE understand that all young people need support, guidance, and opportunities during adolescence. With this support they develop self-assurance in beekeeping which is one key to creating a happy, healthy, and successful life. I train young people between 10 and 25 years in the Imo community at Ilesa, Osun state. In October 2016 I provided training using a Resource Box from the Bees for Development.

Beekeeping training underway at Ilesa Grammar School, Osun State. The Youth Embrace Beekeeping group were very happy, thanks to Bees for Development!
Falade Saanu Patrick
New association for Imo State
A new Apiculture Association for Imo State was inaugurated in Nov 2016 by the Raw Material Research and Development Council of Nigeria. The objectives of the new association are to harmonize beekeeping activities, to share information and ideas, to create market opportunities, to promote biodiversity, economic empowerment, and food security, to protect the indigenous honey bee species from extermination, and to improve the livelihood of our communities through beekeeping.
Emmanuel Ubeh, President, Apiculture Association of Imo State