1 minute read

Good bee news from Uganda

Bees for Development has been working with Uganda’s beekeeping sector for twenty years, working with many inspirational beekeepers and organisations.

TUNADO (The Uganda National Apiculture Development Organisation) is Uganda’s national association - a membership organisation for the whole country. We heard this week the exciting news – that TUNADO is securing their own dedicated premises. This means that TUNADO will be able to grow and develop as an information and advocacy service for all Uganda’s beekeepers.

TUNADO’s Director is working with the Agriculture Sector Skills Council to develop an accredited standard for beekeeper trainers in Uganda.

Bees for Development’s current focus is to support Mount Elgon Women’s’ Honey Hub – a marketing initiative for women beekeepers. There are many challenges to selling honey, with price just one factor. Women beekeepers are challenged to travel far to market and too often lack confidence to negotiate with honey traders. The Women’s Honey Hub offers a local, safe, and trustworthy outlet where they know they will sell their honey at a fair price without hassle!

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