5 minute read
Honey from the Earth – beekeeping and honey hunting on six continents
Eric Tourneret and Sylla de Saint Pierre (Translation by Mark Pettus) Edited by Leo Sharashkin 2018 352 pages Hardcover

Eric Tourneret, the internationally acclaimed photographer of honey bees spent 15 years travelling the world to produce this book. Over 300 colour photographs depict the diversity of bees and beekeeping he has witnessed in 23 countries within six continents.
The book has an excellent synergy with the work of Bees for Development. Professor Tom Seeley, BfD Trust Patron says: “Honey from the Earth is an immense accomplishment. I cannot think of a beekeeper or nature lover who would not be delighted to own this stunning book”.
Available from the Bees for Development shop in Monmouth – price £50 (US$64; €56) (Postage costs apply depending on destination)
Handbook of the Bees of the British Isles
George R Else and Mike Edwards 2018 Hardcover Volume 1: pp 1-332 Volume 2: pp 333-775

The two volumes of this mammoth publication include colour photographs, black and white drawings and colour distribution maps of over 270 bee species that can be found in Britain. Volume 1 provides information about the bees, the terms used to describe the species and keys to genera and species. Volume 2 describes the ecology, profiles and distribution of each species and uses many images of bees in their natural habitats (a DVD-ROM provided with the books makes it possible to examine these images in greater detail). It is a shame that the entry about Apis mellifera is dominated by information about parasites and diseases rather than information about the ecology of wild honey bees, but perhaps this is inevitable given the honey bee’s almost unique status as being both a managed and wild endemic insect. An invaluable reference text.
Planting for honeybees – the grower’s guide to creating a buzz *
Sarah Wyndham Lewis 2018 142 pages Hardcover

This prettily designed grower’s guide tells us about the best garden plants for honey bees, and where and how to grow them in the UK. The selected plants are those that provide honey bees with the nutrition (nectar and pollen) they need to be healthy. The recommended plants are listed according to different planting spaces from small balconies to large gardens and by the UK seasons. Lists include the best flowers, climbers, shrubs and trees. There is a chapter with interesting facts about the honey bee. An index of Latin and common names, bee friendly gardens to visit in the UK and other resources come together to provide a very attractive and useful book for both beginner and experienced gardeners.
Bees of Australia – a photographic exploration
James Dorey 2018 207 pages Softcover

This book is a photographic delight with beautiful and perfect pictures of 70 species of Australia’s bees, shown in high resolution and clarity. It is estimated that there are between 2,000-3,000 bee species in Australia and of these 1,600 species have been described and named. James Dorey explains why bees are important to us and hints on where to find them. Further information describes the importance of bees, their use as crop pollinators, their behaviour, and how to attract them to gardens.
Towards saving the honeybee *
Günther Hauk 2017 2 nd edition 135 pages Softcover

Gunther Hauk is a biodynamic gardener and beekeeper. This updated second edition of his book includes new chapters on making splits, bee health and hive warmth and scent. The book encourages us to consider how in the process of ‘managing’ bees, many of us are working against their natural instincts. On swarming the author notes that, “bees should again be allowed to swarm”, as swarming contributes to raising the bee’s natural health. On nest warmth the author reminds us that adding empty supers above the brood nest cools the brood and compromises larval development and brood health. The first edition urged beekeepers to reconsider some accepted norms. This second edition offers further evidence and insights into the dangers of taking a purely profit-oriented approach to beekeeping, and once again calls beekeepers to respect the nature and instincts of bees, “to restore our ailing bees to a level of vitality”.
Betsie Valentine and the Honeybees *
M C Duncan with illustrations by Tegan Sherrard 2018 63 pages Hardcover

This is a carefully thought out story with lovely illustrations for children. The book covers the adventures of Betsie Valentine ‘a spirited young girl’ who is intrigued to find out about the secret life of honey bees. Fascinating bee facts, all true, are woven into the charming and magical story. This is an excellent book to read to younger children, or for older children to read for themselves.
*These books are available for purchase from www.shop.beesfd.org
Beekeeping as a business – a practical guide to beekeeping in Uganda
Simon Turner 2018 4 th edition 86 pages Softcover

Simon Turner has lived and worked in Uganda for over 10 years. He founded Malaika Honey to train marginalised farmers to use beekeeping to improve their lives and to create an economic incentive to maintain the environment. The manual provides an introduction on starting beekeeping, management techniques, harvesting and selling and honey bee biology and behaviour. There is an incredible amount of practical information packed into this short book which is richly illustrated with diagrams and photographs on every page. New beekeepers are advised to “start small and build up … with more hives that suit your skill level” – what good advice!
Contact info@malaikahoney.com
The beekeepers’ manual – harvesting money in beekeeping
Akaya Group Trust Ltd 2015 53 pages Softcover

This book is also for beekeepers in Uganda and is in two parts. Phase I is an introduction to the biology of honey bees, how a colony functions, different types of hives, honey and other bee products and how to establish a good bee forage garden. Phase II explores the economics of beekeeping including budgeting and guidance on expanding your business. The book includes some motivational advice for new beekeepers, encouraging the acceptance of problems as normal challenges that need to be overcome.
Contact: akayagroup@gmail.com
The practical beekeeper - beekeeping naturally
Michael Bush author of The practical beekeeper – beekeeping naturally (reviewed in BfDJ 128) informs us that the book is also available in French, German, Portuguese and Spanish. Content on his website is free to access. Please visit: www.bushfarms.com/bees.htm