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Newsletter No 11 carried a questionnaire prepared by ODA asking readers to assess the usefulness of the Newsletter and the Information Service provided by IBRA to beekeepers in developing countries.

Grateful thanks are due to all our readers who returned these questionnaires: in response to your positive replies ODA intend to continue funding the Service we provide.

Analysis of the completed questionnaires gave encouragingfeedback: 65% of respondents claim to have been prompted into action as a result of the Newsletter, and 90% expressed satisfaction with the response of IBRA to their enquiries.

Respondents identified lack of information on bee management as the major problem facing beekeeping development. The management of tropical bees is poorly understood and tried and tested methods to prevent absconding and swarming are yet to be established. I would urge those of you who have developed methods that work for you in the field to write them up: in this way your information can be shared with others and tested by them. The majority of readers regarded the main use of Newsletter to be as a source of practical information on beekeeping. Details about projects and of relevant publications were also considered important aspects.

It was good to note how many of you pass on your copy of the Newsletter to other beekeepers: one enthusiastic respondent reckoned that his copy was read by 5000 other people!

Many requested that the Newsletter be published more frequently, with larger issues, and in a variety of languages. Our resources are already stretched to provide the current service, but rest assured that I have read all your comments and will endeavour to take them into consideration in preparation of future Newsletters.

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