2 minute read
Update: Bees for Development Hubs and Resource Centre
Disruptions to international postal systems, caused by COVID-19, led us to rethink how we distribute print copies of Bees for Development Journal. Sending out individual editions to sponsored recipients had become an unsustainable and unfair approach.
The high postage costs of sending to thousands of individual addresses internationally meant we could not keep up with demand for new sponsored subscriptions. We decided to publish the Journal digitally, directly online, making it accessible via low-bandwidth connections and downloadable as a pdf – all completely free of charge. Now you can read any edition online – all the way back to 1981!

Working for Bees Director, Robert Mutisi, with copies of BfD Journal 139 in Zimbabwe
Image: Working for Bees
New readers are joining us with every edition however we know that paper editions still reach places the digital editions do not. We are establishing a network of Distribution Hubs to get news and practical beekeeping tips over that last mile, and into the hands of beekeepers who are not connected to the internet.
We have Hubs in the Caribbean, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Rwanda, Uganda and Zimbabwe. The Hubs are organisations that are actively promoting sustainable beekeeping in their region: reaching remote and marginalised communities, running workshops in schools and universities, attending sector events, and meeting beekeepers and honey traders every day. Hubs are receiving 20-150 of each Journal edition and distributing them through their local networks.
To register your interest in applying to be a BfD Journal Distribution Hub, please email: info@beesfordevelopment.org

Technical Co-ordinator and Wildlife Ecologist at Keystone Foundation, Natasha hands over BfD Journal 140 to Murugan, President of the local governing body Panchayat
Image: Keystone Foundation
Resource Centre - Coming soon

We will soon launch our new and improved online Resource Centre, to allow you to search this archive by topic: author, country, keyword, and region. We are very excited about the amazing functionalities and contents of the new site, which will give you options to build a custom profile and dashboard, set notification preferences and save the articles and resources you need at your fingertips.
Based on the information you give in your profile, Bees for Development will be able to send you updates via the Bee-bulletin email and Whatsapp that are specifically of interest to you.
Watch this space and make sure you are signed up to our Bee Bulletin or Whatsapp broadcast group so that you do not miss the launch.