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What's on
Please note if you are planning a beekeeping event and you want details to appear in this column it is important that you send information to the Editor of the Newsletter well in advance of the planned date.
11th International Congress of the International Union for the Study of Social Insects.
5-11 August 1990, Bangalore.
Further details from: 11th Congress of IUSSI, Department of Entomology, University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore.
Sixth International Symposium on Pollination.
27-31 August 1990, Tilburg.
Further details from: The Sixth International Symposium on Pollination, Netherlands.
Beekeeping Training Course (National Level).
2-8 May 1990, Islamabad.
Further details from: Honeybee Research Programme, PARC, National Agricultural Research Centre, Pakistan.
Bees and Beekeeping in Southern Africa, under the auspices of S A Federation of Beekeepers-Associations and Patronage of Apimondia.
24-26 January 1990, Stellenbosch.
Further details from: Organizing Committee, South Africa.
8th Royal Show international Symposium: The Contribution of the Honeybee to Agriculture and the Countryside.
4-10 July 1990, Stoneleigh.
Further details from: Royal Agricultural Society of England, National Agricultural Centre, Warwickshire.
Changing patterns of crop production and changes in emphasis in land use will create challenges as well as opportunities for the beekeeper. The Symposium will address the following themes: Environment, Changes in agricultural practice, Apiculture and pollination, The transfer of technology and education in apiculture, New directions from science. The Symposium will be held during the same week as The Royal International Agricultural Show.
The Behaviour and Physiology of Bees.
Joint Colloquium - The Royal Entomological Society of London and the International Bee Research Association.
11-12 July 1990, London.
Further details from IBRA, Cardiff.
The Meeting will consist of four main sessions: Environment within the hive; Communication; Foraging behaviour and Neurobiology.