Bees for Development Journal Edition 17 - November 1990

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American foulbrood (a disease of honeybees caused by the bacterium Bacillus larvae) has been identified in Argentina for the first time. It was found in colonies in the area of Tandil, Buenos Aires Province.



June a seminar on tropical beekeeping was organised by the Beekeeping Section and the Forests, Trees and People Programme of the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. Much discussion centred around appropriate hive design, and in particular the work of Mogens Jensen, Thord Karlsson and Bérje Svensson in developing a suitable hive from first principles for Apis cerana in Bangladesh. Mr Karlsson’s experience in determining optimum hive size and volume are reported in this edition of Newsletter and details of constructing the new hive will appear in a future edition. In

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GHANA A Bee Club has been formed. in Saltpond in Central Ghana. The Club aims

to promote beekeeping with regular meetings to share experiences, exchange ideas and give practical assistance to Members and others outside the Club. Members have built up knowledge of beekeeping through the courses, books and journals that are available to them. For example a two-day Workshop on beekeeping held at Amissano in March 1990 was attended by government personnel, farmers and teachers. The Workshop dealt with aspects of practical beekeeping and ended with an open forum and video show.

(K S Aidoo)

JORDAN The Jordanian Beekeepers’ Association was established in December 1989. The Association is non-profit making and will issue a bi-monthly newsletter including tips for beekeepers and international news.

(I K Nazer)

On 27 June 1990 Queen Noor Al Hussein laid the foundation stone for a building for a bee breeding and honey production project. The project is carried out by the Noor Al Hussein Foundation within the framework of its programme “Women and Development” in Al Ejina area in Karak Governorate.

(Jordan Times) 10

(EY Traditionally producead in Packed By North Western Bee P O BOx 140096 Ka North-Western Provi |

Orgasic honey and beeswax

Zambia’s Forests 5


(continue d from page 1)

Thereis an increasing demand for these guaranteed pure an 1 organic products, as the major supermarket chains in Europe now stock an ever-i ncreasing range of organic products. Up until now officially-certified organic honey vas not been widely available. North Western Bee Products Ltd has now been offic ially inspected and nic hanev and way approved by the Soil Association of the UK as a source of orga Bee its Products to expand This has enabled North Western export of honey and wax and to secure a price well above the conventional market value of their produce. At the same time the 6000-strong Tabora Beekeepers’ Co-operative Society in Tanzania has successfully resumed exports to Traidcraft in the UK and other ethically-based marketing organisations in Europe (see also Newsletter )15. These exports by North Western Bee Products and Tabora have only been possible after ears of ground work establishing an organised marketing system, and educatin the producers in the selection of the correct type of honey for sale. Other honey containing a higher water content, pollen and so on, is retained locally for beer brewing. The market for organic honey is larger than the output of North Western Bee Products, and there is the opportunity for other producers and organisations to become registered and begin exporting organic honey. Any interested producers should contact:

Tropical Forest Products, PO Box 92, Aberystwyth SY24 5DJ, UK. Send a sample and full information including: type of organisation and number of members; amount of honey produced and amount available for export; types of hives used and use of bee medicines and sugar feeding; type of bee forage and use of agricultural chemicals in surrounding areas. D Wainwri



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