Bees for Development Journal Edition 17 - November 1990

Page 3

FRUITS OF THE FOREST London last summer a Conference with the theme “The Rainforest Harvest” was held. Delegates at the Conference received pots of Zambian honey distributed on behalf of North Western Bee Products Ltd by Bob Malichi and David Wainwright (see “Organic honey and beeswax”). Honey thus formed one example of a product which can provide an economic lifeline for forest dwellers. In

Prince Charles attended the Conference. In his speech he drew attention to the fact that forest dwellers have often been the last on the list of those to profit from export crops. He told the Conference that benefits must go to local people, and called for the establishment of a system to pay for the use of forest resources.

A treat for delegates was “rainforest ice-cream” made from cupuaca and biriba, two fruits of the Amazon. These and other


nuts and resins are being promoted by entrepreneurial environmentalists, trying to find sources of income alternative to timber for people living in tropical forests. With people in industrialised countries increasingly aware of environmental issues, such forest products could find an enthusiastic market.

HERBAL TREATMENT FOR VARROA (continued from page 1) Eupatorium stacchadosmun: Compositae. This herbaceous plant, often known as snakeroot, usually grows to 0.5-1.0 m in height. The stem and leaves are very smooth and light violet in colour. The leaves stand in opposite pairs. Cymbopogon nardus: Graminae. Also known as citronella or lemon grass, this perennial grass develops into bushes 0.8-1.5 m high. The root is white and light violet. The leaves are narrow and long like rice leaves, with rough edges. All parts of the plant give the special lemon aroma.

Conclusions 1. Every beekeeper in Vietnam can grow these two kinds of plants around the house. Compared with the cost of controlling parasitic mites in Apis mellifera colonies by chemicals (about 4-5$US per colony), the herbal method is much cheaper, and shows good efficiency. 2. Tropilaelaps clareae is not affected by this treatment, and further research is needed in this aspect. 3. Lemon grass can also be used in making soft drinks and is very good for the digestion. Eupatorium is a spice and the young sprout can be eaten fresh.

Baoléc, August 1990. Cong du Dien, Lamdong Beekeeping Company.

Pay your subscription in BEESWAX As mentioned on page 2, we understand that some beekeepers will face difficulty in obtaining foreign currency to pay their subscription for the Newsletter. We are therefore willing to accept beeswax in payment, subject to the following conditions:

1. Beeswax must be reasonably clean and of good quality. 2. Beeswax must be presented in solid form (ie not as scraps of wax or pieces of


Eupatorium and Cymbopogon on the hive floor.

3. Beeswax from Apis mellifera is preferred. However beeswax from Asian species of Apis will be accepted as long as the species from which it is collected is clearly marked on the parcel. . Beeswax should be sent to IBRA, 18 North Road, Cardiff CF1 3DY, UK. On the inside of the parcel state your name and postal address, the weight and origin of the beeswax you are sending, and the number of Newsletter subscriptions you are paying for. Mark on the outside of the parcel “BEESWAX RAW FOR IBRA” and the WEIGHT of beeswax in kilograms. . Any parcel containing comb, adulterated or very dirty wax or otherwise unusable wax will be destroyed on arrival at IBRA. It will not be returned to the sender, and will not be accepted for barter, neither will future beeswax received from the sender. . This beeswax barter system will operate for an initial period of 12 months. It will be extended only if successful and subscribers abide by these conditions. . Payment in beeswax is only available for subscriptions to developing countries and cannot be used for any other journal subscription or purchase from IBRA. . Arrangements for and costs of carriage of the beeswax to IBRA are the responsibility of the sender and IBRA will not be responsible for any postage or other costs whatsoever. Proof of postage is not accepted as proof as receipt. Ensure packaging used is adequate to endure the effects of travel.

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