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Work bears witness who does well

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Beekeeping and Development has been honoured by an award to its Editor, Nicola Bradbear.

The World Vision Award for Development Initiative 1990 was presented to Dr Bradbear in December 1990 at a ceremony in London.

The Award is sponsored by World Vision of Britain and is presented by the Centre for World Development Education to an individual for innovative action in the support of sustainable development.

Dr Bradbear was selected as winner from a short-list of candidates of very high calibre. In their summation the judges said:

“It is clear from the responses to all our enquiries that Dr Bradbear has turned the IBRA Newsletter into a unique publication, providing a constant flow of practical advice, not least on the financial aspects of beekeeping. She has created a special niche in the market, conducting correspondence and giving valuable guidance to a large number of beekeepers all around the world.

Although it is not possible to quantify the benefits, al! the evidence suggests that her efforts have contributed significantly to wealth creation, the transfer of technology, the improvement of nutrition and the conservation of forests in a number of developing countries.

We greatly admired the single-handed effort, skill and determination which Dr Bradbear has displayed.”

I am sure all readers and those who have benefited from the associated Information Service will agree with these comments.

Well done Nicola!

Helen Jackson

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