Since 1986, GTZ, which is owned by the German Federal Government, has supported more than 20 beekeeping development projects. Currently GTZ is assisting 12 countries in implementing beekeeping projects. Before any project is started — regardless whether it is long or short-term, major or less important in financial terms — a feasibility study is carried out.
Project categories
GTZ-supported beekeeping projects can be placed into three different categories according to financial commitment and subjects covered. Large-scale projects: these projects cover a wide range of field activities such as extension, research, training, production, marketing and institutional development. Generally these projects last more than nine years, the financial commitment is above US$6 million and they are assisted by a seconded beekeeping expert. Currently GTZ is helping to implement three projects in this category, in Malawi, Pakistan and Tunisia.
Medium-scale projects: projects
in this
category commonly cover subjects such as extension, production and marketing. Their lifespan is around six years, the financial commitment does not exceed US$3 million and they are frequently assisted by external consultancies. Often a project of this sort is implemented as a programme component of a larger rural development programme. Currently GTZ is helping to implement four projects which fall in this category, in Benin, Céte d'Ivoire, Yemen and Zambia. Small-scale projects: generally these projects cover only one or two subjects such as disease control measures and extension. They are implemented within a two to three year period, and their financial commitment varies between US$100,000 and 200,000. Commonly these are self-help projects implemented by producer associations and administratively assisted by another GTZ project in the country in question. This category covers projects now underway in Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and Tunisia.
Experience to date
In developing countries beekeeping promotion programmes are often implemented on the assumption that only a low level of investment
and experience is needed and that there is a rapid return on the investment. The experience of development experts shows that apiculture is just as difficult to promote as any other form of agricultural production. The risks involved are high. Survival of hives, for example, during the hot and dry season is not guaranteed, and disease problems — especially the Varroa mite — endanger production. Hive theft, the quality of the harvest and sometimes marketing problems make it hard to maintain intensive production. In order to minimise risk GTZ carries out a very thorough feasibility study which covers marketing, the socio-economic situation of the target groups, and production aspects. It is not surprising that not all project proposals appraised are implemented. The major difficulties encountered include: the chosen technology is inappropriate, beekeeping is not profitable, sustainability is not ensured, or markets are not secured, to name but a few.
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Beekeeping activities supported by the German Federal Government and (implemented by GTZ Deutsche Gesellschaft far Technische Zusammenarbeit)
To avoid pitfalls during the project implementation period, projects commonly start as pilot schemes which give planners the necessary experience to successfully design and implement a large-scale project.
How can beekeepers in developing countries benefit from GTZ
It all starts with a project idea. Anyone can come up with an idea which has to be formed into a clear concept and turned eventually into a technically and economically feasible proposal. The proposal must be channelled through the Government of the country concerned and forwarded via the local German Embassy to the Ministry of Economic Co-operation in Germany (BMZ). After a preliminary screening, considering the needs and plans of the developing country and the principles and objectives of German development policy, the BMZ asks GTZ to prepare a thorough project appraisal report. Should the BMZ consider the project “eligible for promotion’, a project agreement with the partner country is concluded. This seems a rather long-winded, tedious process before a project can get off the ground, but results achieved justify the initial
Hive-Aid An important part of Beekeeping and Development's objective is to help those involved with the planning or implementation of beekeeping projects to be aware of other projects, past and present. With funding for development in short supply it is vital that resources are not wasted in repeating work. Previous Hive-Aid features have given details of projects of FAO, IDRC and IFS. hope that other development organisations will feel encouraged to compile data on their projects, and to briefly explain their policy, as GTZ have kindly provided here. |
GTZ, Division 422, Eschborn.
Promotion of small-scale beekeeping in the Northern Region
Develop an economical beekeeping model. model. Improve marketing structure.
Support to the Beekeeping Institute of NARC in Islamabad
Promotion of beekeeping in the Sedjenane Region
Improve production systems. Production of extension material. Development of community self-help activities. Varroa control. Privatisation of beekeeping associations. Introduction of improved management
Advisory and consultancy services. Local and external training. Provision of equipment and materials. Advisory and consultancy services. Local and external training. Provision of equipment and materials.
Céte d'Ivoire
SODEPRA, Apiculture Centre
in the
Katiola Region Rural Development Programme, Al-Mahwit
Improve extension and marketing.
Materials and equipment. Advisory services. Provision of materials.
Improve extension material and marketing.
Advisory services. Provision of materials.
Agricultural Development Programme, North-West Region
Varroa control Improve Varroa control measures. Assistance to the National Beekeepers’ Improve disease control, production and bee Association, Damascus breeding. Varroa control Develop biological disease control method.
Advisory and consultancy services.
Improve extension field activities.
Advisory and consultancy services. Local and external training. Provision of equipment and materials.
Consultancy. Provision of drugs. Consultancy. Training. Equipment. Consultancy. Provision of materials and equipment. THREE