Bees for Development Journal Edition 20 - September 1991

Page 6





BELIZE Asix week review of beekeeping

in Belize in 1990

concluded: |.

Beekeeping is in a state of decline throughout the nation and this was especially evident during 1988 and 1989.


The primary cause for the decline is the presence and continual expansion of the Africanized honey bee, a tropical honey bee biotype that is replacing the European honey bees.


The claim that beekeeping is being damaged by the aerial application of glyphosate (Roundup*) used in a marijuana eradication programme is unsubstantiated, both by previous studies on the toxicity of glyphosate to honey bees and by the results of field trials conducted by the Review Team.


Astrategy for the rehabilitation of the Belizean beekeeping industry is proposed


Review of the Belizean Honey Bee Industry, at the

request of the Belize Honey Producers Federation, Orange Walk, Belize, prepared by Michael Burgett and Glenn

Fisher, Consultants for Volunteers in Overseas Cooperative Assistance, Washington DC.





that the Lebanese bees wait for on the entrance and then encircle and kill.

The Lebanese bee is of the same character as the Lebanese people, after all is it not the daughter of this land? You are gentle to it, its response is gentle. But if you are nasty. it is more aggressive. have always worked my colonies without gloves and sometimes without veil too. My secret is love. You must open the hive of the Lebanese bee with all the affection it deserves and then, even if it falls under your finger. it prefers ta die rather than sting you |

Isn't it one of the best races of bees in the world?

NEEDING HELP? IBRA’s Advisory Service to Developing Countries exists to help beekeepers who need information that cannot be obtained locally. Please make your enquiry as specific as possible, and address it to Nicola Bradbear.

The Inter-American Development Bank has allocated $500,000 from the Fund for Special Operations for a credit and training programme to benefit small-scale farmers. The programme will be carried out by the Centro Agricola Cantonal de Hojancha (CACH}. a private, non-profit organisation in the province of Guanacaste.


The IDB, May 199]



Leaflet 2 The management of Africanized bees.

We had a sad experience in the mountain of Dahr el Baidar where we transported twenty colonies (10 Lebanese and 10 Italian}. The flowers faded suddenly, the Italian colonies continued eating as if nothing happened, meanwhile the Lebanese stopped eating waiting for a change in circumstances. So we found all the Italian colonies dead with their heads pushed in the empty honey cells. while none were dead in the

Lebanese colonies.


Apis cerana An eight page leaflet describing the biology and distribution of Apis cerana together with methods for the prevention of absconding.

Rashid Yazbek, President of the Beekeepers’ Union, Lebanon


The following information Leaflets are still available free of charge to beekeepers in developing countries who cannot otherwise afford to pay. Everyone else 2.00 per Leaflet:

A four page leaflet available in English or Spanish. Leaflet 3 - Varroa jacobsoni A four page leaflet describing Varroa jacobsoni, its biology, how to detect it and methods of control. Leaflet 4 - The Asian hive bee


The programme will provide credits for activities including beekeeping. In all the programme will benefit some 200 low-income people, approximately halfofwhom will be women.






At the end of the winter the Lebanese bees go out under the rain to collect pollen and nectar for the brood established in 15 or 18 frames. We noticed that with astimulant feed we could push the queen to enlarge the brood nest in autumn which is impossible with Italian bees even with continuous feeding Another quality of the Lebanese bee is resistance to diseases. While the Italian bees weaken from foulbrood, nearby Lebanese colonies remain healthy. We have to add that the Lebanese colony is ferocious in defending its hive against predators and invaders while the Italian bees let any intruder enter their hive even if it steals all their property. This also applies to wasps and hornets


US Ambassador signs grant for research on Himalayan honey bees (Kathmandu. 17 June 1991) The US Ambassador to Nepal. Julia Chang Bloch signed a grant for $148.46] for the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD). The grant will support study of the Himalayan honey bee, Apis cerana. The grant. supplemented by major contributions from ICIMOD and the US Department of Agriculture, is the first USAID collaboration with other donor agencies under USAID's “Program in Science and Technology

Cooperation” (PSTC) The project “Exploration of genetic diversity in Himalayan honey bees, Apis cerana”. is one of 45 projects selected from 1000 proposals submitted. Scientists from over 70 developing countries competed for the grants

This project is the first to be conducted at a regional level with the co-operation of Bhutan, India. Nepal and Pakistan. The atm is to conserve Apis cerana through the development and promotion of beekeeping. The project scientists will study the genetic diversity of native bees through modern computer technology and genetic engineering techniques as well as the behaviour of the bees, with the overall goal of using the bees to enhance the production of agricultural crops. The project will also establish a permanent genetic bank of this species at ICIMOD as a valuable resource for the future.

Although much research has been done on European bees, the application of European honey bee management practices to Himalayan honey bees has failed. This study will provide information on local bee behavioural traits that

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