Bees for Development Journal Edition 20 - September 1991

Page 8





ASIAN APICULTURAL ASSOCIATION The Membership fee for AAA is $20 per year which includes four issues of Beekeeping and Development with additional supplements published by AAA.

AAA will present information on Asian beekeeping


and honey bee science in Beekeeping and Development, and release more personal or local information in the supplements

People in the countries listed below where there are AAA Chapters please send $20 or equivalent to the Chapter. People living outside these countries send $20 directly to the Administrative Office through one of these channels

Post giro: Tokyo 8-552675. Asian Apicultural Association

Bank account: 228-065! 192 Asian Apicultural Association. Mitsubishi Bank, Machida Branch. Coupon responsé: Send 30 coupon-responsé international to the Institute of Honeybee Science

Administrative office: AAA, Institute of Honeybee Science, Tamagawa University, Machida-Shi, Tokyo 194, Japan Readers in Asia are welcome to recruit people and form new Chapters of AAA in their own countries

Ocim® Chapters of Country


have now been established in the following countries:


Chinese Apicultural Association. Xiangshan, Beijing

China India


The Director Dr Vinod K Mattu

DrC C Reddy

Central Bee Research Institute, Khadi & Village Industries Commission, 1153 Ganeshkhind Road, Pune 411 016 Department of Bio-Sciences. Himachal Pradesh University. Shimia 171 005 Department of Zoology, Bangalore University, |naha Bharati. Bangalore 560 056


Ms S Hadisoesilo

PO Box 4/BKN Bangkinang 28401. Riau. Sumatra


Dr Kun-Suk Woo

Institute of Korea Beekeeping Science. College of Agriculture, Seou! National University, Suwon 440 744 Institute of Agricultural Science & Technology, Kyungpook National University, Taegu 635

Dr Hyonge-Gyun Park




Mr Krishna K Shrestha

Beekeeping Training & Extension Support Project. Godawari Kathmandu


Dr Rafiq Ahmad

Pakistan Agricultural Research Council, NARC, PO NIH, Islamabad


Dr Cleofas R Cervancia

Department of Entomology. College of Agriculture, University of the Philippines at Los Banos, College, Laguna

Sri Lanka

Mr R W K Punchihewa

Agricultural Research Station, Makandura, Gonawila (NWP)


Dr F K Hseih

Taiwan Apicultural and Serciultural Experiment Station. 261 Kuan-nan, Kung-Kuan, Miaoli


Dr Sirtwat Wongsiri

BBRU, Department of Biology, Chulalongkorn University. Bangkok 10330


Mr Pham Van Lap

Department of Genetics, Faculty of Biology, University of Hanoi, Hanoi



Plant Protection Department, Faculty of Agriculture, University Pertanian, 43400 Serdang. Selangor

LIGHT TRAPS KILL HONEY BEES Light traps are used commonly in coconut plantations to trap insect pests of cocoanut. Our studies used a conventional light trap, set at 1.5 mheight with a 100 W bulb for a period of six months from July to December in a coconut plantation. We found that rather than the Coleopteran pests of palms for which the traps are intended, the traps caught beneficial bio-control agents like parasitoids. and pollinating and productive insects like honey bees. The major pollinator and productive insect in South India, the Indian honey bee Apis cerana was found trapped to a great extent, with up to 90 worker bees trapped in one night

Since light traps in the coconut plantation did not attract the major insect pests of coconut but did trap honey bees and other bio-control agents of Lepidopteran pests, the setting of light traps in coconut plantations should be discouraged. it is important to note that the presence of honey bee colonies in coconut plantations increases female flower (button) setting and ultimately the coconut yields.



S Sadakathulla and


K Ramachandran, Coconut Research

Station, Tamil Nadu


G D Naidu Agricultural University

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