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The Earth Summit

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For the first time ever heads of government will come together to hammer out a global strategy to the linked challenges of poverty, inequality and environmental destruction. The Earth Summit (official title of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development) will be held in Rio de Janeiro from 1-12 June 1992, It will be the largest United Nations Conference ever held and could well be the most significant - a turning point in history.

Groups around the world are focusing on the Earth Summit as an unprecedented opportunity to move from dealing with the symptoms of crisis to tackling the underlying inequality between North and South in access to the planet's limited resources,

Global warming, deforestation and protecting other species are all on the agenda. So too are ways to promote genuinely sustainable development by setting in place those policies and technologies which will meet our needs today without damaging the prospects for future generations.

The time for talking is over, and progress will depend on how much pressure world leaders come under from voters back home.

And that is where you come in.


A special Tree of Life is being assembled in Rio de Janeiro during the Earth Summit.

It will be made up of millions of pledges in the shape of leaves from people all around the world.

The Tree of Life will provide powerful and positive reminder to world leaders that much is expected of them at the Earth Summit.


This will take place in Rio at the same time as the Earth Summit. Environment and development non-governmental organisations and activists from around the world will meet: it is estimated that 15 000 people will attend. The Tree of Life will be assembled in Flamengo Park and will provide visual and symbolic focus of all the Global Forum's many different activities.


The United Nations Conference on Environment and Development is expected to produce the following:

1. An Earth Charter - this will embody basic principles which must govern the economic and environmental behaviour of peoples and nations in the future.

2. Agenda 21 - this will be a blueprint for action in all major areas affecting the relationship between the environment and the economy up to the year 2000 and well into the twenty-first century. It will address a number of topics, including the following:

- protection of the atmosphere

- protection of land resources

- conservation of biological diversity

- protection of freshwater resources protection of oceans, seas and coastal areas

- environmentally sound management of biotechnology and hazardous wastes.

3. New and additional financial resources - if the South is to play its part, it needs some of the wealth held by the North.

4. Technology transfer - again, a switch from the North to the South.

5. Strengthening - institutional capacities and procedures.

6. A convention - on biodiversity and a framework agreement for convention on climate change.


You can pledge to take on one or more of the following actions. The first six relate directly to the Earth Summit, the last two provide an opportunity to get more involved in practical initiatives and to help raise more pledges for the Tree of Life within your local community.

1. Energy.

I will use 10% less fuel at home during the next year. Governments of rich nations should agree to cut carbon dioxide emissions from the burning of fossil fuels by 20% within 15 years.

2. Debt

I will write to major banks urging them to write off debt owed by poorer countries. Governments of rich countries should agree to cancel debts owed them by poor nations.

3. Transport

I will walk, cycle or use public transport rather than private vehicles wherever possible. Governments should agree to greater investment in public transport systems.

4. Recycling

I will recycle as much waste as possible at home and/or I will help to organise recycling at work or at school. Governments should agree to double the amount of paper, glass. metal and plastic that is recycled.

5. Forests

I will not, as far as possible, buy any products made from tropical hardwoods. Governments should commit themselves to new policies to protect the forests

6. Fair trade

I will try to buy products that are made without exploiting the people who produce them, or damaging the environment. Governments should agree to policies that promote fair trade.

7. Acting locally

I will increase the amount of time or money I give to environmental and development organisations.

8. Spreading the message

I personally will raise 20/50/100 pledge leaves for the Tree of Life in Brazil before 1 June 1992. (All pledges should be written on a leaf-shape outline drawn on a rectangular card as shown below.)

TREE OF LIFE Pledging for the Planet

Pledging for the Planet, an independent initiative, is working with the One World Group of Broadcasters and organisations world-wide to raise public awareness of the issues relating to the Earth Summit in June 1992.

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