Bees for Development Journal Edition 23 - June 1992

Page 15


SUBSCRIPTIONS Readers in some countries face difficulty in obtain ing foreign currency to pay their subscriptions. We are m aking every effort to help you. Beeswax Barter provides a way to pay fo! Beekeeping and Development without involving a cash trans action: the conditions are shown below. Readers in Asian countries may ay in their own currency to their local AAA chapter (list wal tn Daalnanlin aed Development 20, page 8). RATES Beeswax S 11.00 5 kg One subscription to any destination 20.00 50.00 25 kg 100.00 Ten subscriptions to one postal address in a devel loping country 2.00 4.00 Back issues, per copy kg Subscriptions commence on the date they are rece ived by IBRA. Each subscription covers four editions, and includes airmail postage and packing. See page thirteen for methoc s of payment. Groups or individuals who are unable to pay may! equest a sponsored subscription: please write to Nicola Bradbear. |


REESWAA BARTER Conditions. Beeswax must be reasonably clean and of good quality. 2. Beeswax must be presented in solid form and not as scr. ps of wax or pieces of comb 3. Beeswax from any species of Apis will be accepted as lon g as the species from which it is collected is clearly marked on the parcel 4. Inside the parcel state your name and address, the weigl t and origin of the beeswax, and the number of subscriptions you are paying On the outside of the parcel state “BEESWAX RAW FOR IBRA” and the u eight of beeswax in kilograms. 5. Any parcel containing comb, adulterated or very dirty we x or otherwise unusable wax will be destroyed on arrival at IBRA It will not be returned to the sender, and will not be accepted for barter 6. Payment in beeswax is only available for subscriptions t« developing countries and cannot be used for any other subscription or purchase from IBRA. 7. Arrangements for and costs of carriage of beeswax to IBI are the responsibility of the sender and IBRA will not be responsible for any postage or other costs whatsoever, Proof of postage is not acceptec as proof as receipt Ensure packaging used is adequate to endure the effects of travel .

LOOK ALEAD Please note that want details of an event to be advertised in this column it is important that you send information to the Editor well in advance of the planned date. Ieee we ae


United Nations Conference on Environment and “ The Earth Summit’. Development 1-12 June 1992, Rio de Janeiro. Further details from: United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), Case postale 80, Conches, Switzerland The Global Forum 1-12 June 1992, Rio de Janeiro. ; Further details from: 92 Global Forum, Hotel Gloria, Predio Annexo, 366 Rua do Russel, 632, 22212 RJ, Brazil. In honour of Dr Warwick E Kerr on his 70th birthday. 14-18 September 1992, Part of the meeting will be held in Rio Claro and part in Ribeirao Preto. Further details fram. Dr Carminda da Cruz Landim, Depio de Biologia, Instituto de Biociencias UNESP, Caixa Postal 199, 13.500 Rio Claro, SP, Brazil. -


XIX International Congress of Entomology. 28 June-4 July 1992, Beijing. Further details fram: Secretariat,

XIX International Congress of Entomology, 19 Zhongguancun Lu, Beijing 100080, China. “Telex: 222337 ICCST CN; Fax: 861 2565689. Apimondia XXXII International Apiculture Congress. October 1993, Beijing. Further details will be given in Beekeeping and Development as they : become available.

8th International Palynological Congress. 6-12 September 1992, Aix-en-Provence. Further details from: Lab de Palynologie, CNRS, Université des Sciences et Techniques du Languedoc, 34060 Montpellier

14th Commonwealth Forestry Conference “People, the Environment and Forestry - Conflict or Harmony”. 13-18 September 1993, Kuala Lumpur. Topics covered will include all facets of forestry and forestry sector development. Further details from: The Secretary General CFC-14, Forestry Department Headquarters, Peninsular Malaysia, jalan Sultan Salahuddin, 50660 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Fax: 03 292 5657.

Regional Beekeepers’ Meeting. 11-13 May 1992, Castries. The purpose of this Workshop is to bring together beekeepers operating in the Eastern Caribbean to discuss topics including production, commercialisation and promotion of beekeeping in the region. Further details from: jorge Murillo-Yepes, PO Box 612,

Saint George's, Grenada,


Fifth International Conference on Apiculture in Tropical Climates. 7-12 September 1992, University of the West Indies. Further details are given on page seven.

Tropical Trees: Potential for Domestication.

Cedex, France.

24-28 August 1992, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh. Further from: The Secretariat, The Institute of details Terrestrial Ecology, Bush Estate, Penicuik, Midlothian EH26 0OB, Scotland, UK.

International Symposium on Pollination in Tropics. 8-13 August 1993, Bangalore. Further details from: Dr K N Ganeshaiah, Secretary, International Symposium on Pollination in Tropic: Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, University of Ag ricultural Sciences, GKVK ° Campus, Bangalore 560 065, India. elex: 8458393 UASKIN.

International Workshop on Non-Apis Bees and their Role as Crop Pollinators. 9-13 August 1992, Logan, Utah State University. Further details fram: Dr John D Vandenberg, USDA-ARS Bee Biology and Systematics Laboratory, Utah State University, Logan, Utah, 84322 5310, USA.


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