Bees for Development Journal Edition 23 - June 1992

Page 9


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\ American honey doesn't affect us too much, because it sells at a higher price than ours”.




Source: Lewis Manuel Medina

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enthusiasts to draw up a programme of extension services. Showing tangible evidence of the profitability of beekeeping is the way GRATIS holds the attention of potential beekeepers. This is done through selling honey and beeswax. During the year, the demand for honey grew and sometimes outstripped the supply. By taking care of their marketing problems in the early stages, potential beekeepers could be encouraged to learn more skills and expand their apiaries. Comparison could be made between the smoke-free, pure honey which sold for a maximum of 1200 Cedis ($4) and contaminated honey gathered through traditional means which sold at the low price of 300 Cedis ($1} per Ghanaian beer bottle (624 ml}. Based on a yield of two gallons per hive which is the equivalent of 14 beer bottles, two honey harvests per year could provide 28 bottles. If this is multiplied by 1200 Cedis per bottle, the annual income from one hive could be 33,608 Cedis ($120).


This strategy of proving the profit in modern beekeeping is effective and also teaches beekeepers ways of establishing markets for their own products.










50 g beeswax, shredded 50 g white soap,

shredded 50 g white wax (use candle ends), shredded 1200 ml genuine turpentine 600 m! rainwater


Two pans. Heat source. Wide-necked containers with lids.

Puerto Rico has over 35 named brands of honey, most of them regional, but the market is dominated by imported honey from the Dominican Republic. This imported honey sells at a lower price than local honey and retailers make more profit on it. In second place by volume is local honey, which sells at a middle-range price. In third place, small! amounts of honey are imported from the USA, and this sells at a very high price. This “Goya” brand is distributed nationally and in the Eastern USA: it is processed and bottled in New Jersey The Goya Food Company sells over $500 million in food each year but statistics about their honey sales are not

available. “The imports of the Dominican Republic are affecting us because of its low price”, says Mr Nieves, a local beekeeper. “However, the

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Have your posted your pledge to be taken to the Earth Summit in June? See Beekeeping and Development 22.




Furniture polish is a useful product which is easy to make When making polish remember that beeswax and turpentine are highly inflammable. Never heat either with a direct flame. The polishes can be coloured by adding a very small amount of dye. Use rainwater rather than treated water. The following recipes work well.

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The Uganda Beekeepers’ Association was officially launched on the 18 February 1992 by the Hon Minister of Agriculture, Animal Industry & Fisheries, Mrs Victoria Ssekitoleko. As a contribution to the new Association, the Ministry has provided premises for its headquarters in Kampala. The new Association has over 200 members who are aiming together to achieve improvement in the quality and marketing of bee products. The Association has categories of membership for both individuals (equivalent to 10) and for institutions and companies (equivalent to 20). If you wish to support the Association then please send your membership fee (payable to Uganda Beekeepers’ Association) to the Secretariat, 4 Kimatri Avenue, Kampala

Source: Nelson Akukumah, Rural Industries Officer,






one pan dissolve the soap in the rainwater, warming it slightly. Place the beeswax and white wax in the other pan with the turpentine and warm very gently until the waxes dissolve. Be careful that this mixture does not get too hot. Pour the warm soapy water into the turpentine mixture, and stir until cool. Pour the resultant polish into the containers. In



150 g beeswax 25 g soap flakes 600 ml genuine

50 g beeswax, shredded 50 g white wax (use

turpentine 400 ml boiling water Two bowls, one of which can be placed in a pot of water for warming. Heat source. Wide-necked containers with lids. Put the beeswax and turpentine into the bow] inside a pot of water, and warm very gently until the beeswax dissolves. In the second bowl dissolve the soap flakes in the boiling


Allow both mixtures to cool then add small amounts of the soapy water to the b and turpentin e, stirring all the time, ntil a cream of the jesired consistency i achieved,

candle ends}, shredded 50 g soft soap 400 ml genuine turpentine 400 ml boiling water One large bowl. Heat source. Wide-necked containers with lids. Put the waxes and the soap into a bowl together with the turpentine, and mix together. Leave for several days and after this pour boiling water on to the mixture. Leave to cool and then place in containers.

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