Bees for Development Journal Edition 24 - September 1992

Page 10







to legend, their intelligence was such that they appreciated the finer points of Platonic discourse. People have always been drawn to honey bees by their


gentleness, their useful products, and their habits much admired by entomologists. am a shepherd of

Infestation of honey bee colonies with the mite Varroa jacobsoni has been confirmed in the State of Veracruz, Mexico, in Apis mellifera colonies located in a tropical climate. The infestation was detected on 9 May, in the State University apiaries. The SARH authorities


bees; they

This 36-year old United Nations Volunteer from Guinea is a specialist in tropical beekeeping. He is working on a United Nations Development/International Labour Organisation Project, the aim of which is to assist small and medium-sized businesses. His job is to promote beekeeping.

surveys. i...

Source: Dinerah Chihu Amparan | and Luis Miguel Rojas Avalos

fill a large part of my life”.

Abou-Badara Camara waxes lyrical on the subject of his bees. However, he is also well versed in more practical arguments, using these to good effect to publicise the frame hive, to increase awareness of techniques for wax and honey extraction.

immediately brought emergency quarantine conditions into effect and implemented extensive regional and national



arrived in September 1987, it was a question of starting from scratch, identifying problems and creating a plan of action”. Abou-Badara began by

The difficulties inherent in any project startup did not discourage Abou-Badara. Equipment for training and demonstration purposes had to be found: “we approached a number of local craftsmen and institutions for the design and manufacture of equipment suited to the local honey bees”.



“The National Congress of Lebanese beekeepers will be held in the Faculty of Sciences, University of Lebanon in Fanar, on Saturday 12 September 1992 starting at 1500 hours. Problems and solutions of the profession will be discussed with the responsible personalities, associations, and organisations. For more information contact Rashid azbek Est , |deidet Beirut, Lebanon. Telex: 41236: _


progress: hives have been modernised or improved, veils and smokers are used, harvested honey is of higher quality. Source: UNV News



Jane lles for translating the original article.



compiling a list of local bee forage plants and made a study of the honey market. A beekeeping development project was then devised with the Congolese Minister for Rural Development.



In the Congo, traditional beekeeping is practised fairly widely, and this is favoured by the rich melliferous flora of savannah and forest regions. Honey is a prized product. Among some ethnic groups it is reserved for close friends and honoured guests. The most common harvesting method is by taking honey from hollows in trees.

Abou-Badara has set up a small apiary school to provide practical instruction for future beekeepers and organised a two-month beekeeping training seminar for 25 in Brazzaville. He gives lectures on beekeeping development strategy in the Congo for advisers serving businesses in Brazzaville and on modern harvesting techniques in villages up-country. The results of the project, which was created from nothing, have been most encouraging. in addition to the 25 trained beekeepers, 13 beekeepers owning almost 190 hives are active in five regions of the country and three have already completed their first harvest. The yield was 15-20 kg of honey and 300 g of wax per colony. Everywhere he has been, Abou-Badara has brought about marked

National Beekeeping Workshop The first National Workshop was held from 18-23 May 1992 in Addis Ababa. Included amongst the 125 participants were regional extension officers, technicians, researchers, individual and commercial beekeepers. There were also participants from the EEC funded project “Menschen fiir Menschen” and from “Relief & Rehabilitation Commission” and the Ethiopian Children’s Home. 32 papers were presented of which 10 were

research results, others were on bee management, diseases, pests, pesticides, honey plants, honey and beeswax processing, packing and marketing, equipment, and on training and extension. These papers will be published in the Proceedings of the Workshop.

Displays prepared by Holeta Bee Research and Training Centre, Ethiopian Children’s Home, private beekeeping equipment producers and Tsigie Honey Factory gave a beautiful insight for the audience and were

educational. Everyone participated in a study tour toa backyard apiary, Tsigie Honey Factory, and to Holeta Bee Research and Training Centre. The discussions and study tour benefited the participants and encouraged them to promote the beekeeping industry. It was agreed to establish a beekeepers’ association and to form a nine member steering committee to prepare the constitution. The Workshop was organised by the Beekeeping Unit of the Animal Breeding & Feed Resources Development of the Ministry of Agriculture, Environmental Protection and Development. Source: Gezahegne Tadesse


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