Bees for Development Journal Edition 24 - September 1992

Page 14




CARIBBEAN BEEKEEPERS The Caribbean Apicultural Development Association (CADA) was formally established in Castries, Saint Lucia, on 13 May 1992, during the First Regional Training Workshop for Beekeepers. The

formation of this new body was one of several resolutions directed towards the development of the beekeeping industry in the


IBRA’s Fifth International. Conference on Apiculture in= Tropical Climates will be held at University of the West Indies, Trinidad and Tobago from 7-12 September. This will provide an excellent opportunity for CADA to meet and for new members to join. For further details of this™. meeting contact Mr M Hal lim, Fifth International tonference on Apiculture in Tropical Climates, Mi istry of Food Production and Marine Exploitation, PO Box 389;.. Port of Spai n, Trinidad:; Fax: 010 80 ? 622 4246.







The Workshop (11-13 May) was attended by 56 beekeepers and officials from 19 nations. Presentations were made on the current status of beekeeping in the respective countries. A number of important issues were highlighted: I. The weakness or non-existence of beekeeping organisations at the national level and the need for a regional body to co-ordinate the development of the industry. 2. The threat of Africanized bees, bee parasites and diseases, and the need for common legislation to control and support the development of beekeeping enterprises. 3. Insufficient control on the importation of queen bees, honey, hive products and equipment poses a direct threat to the privileged pest and disease-free status of most of the region. This creates opportunities for number of apiculturerelated projects which will create rural employment opportunities: a) queen rearing, since we have the genetic material best adapted to our environmental conditions; b) local manufacturing of beekeeping equipment; c) marketing of hive products; d) speciality marketing of Caribbean honey taking advantage of the high a

LOOK In honour of Dr Warwick E Kerr on his 70th birthday. 14-18 September 1992. Part of the meeting wil! be held in Rio Claro-and part in Ribeirao Preto. Further details from: Dr Carminda da Cruz Landim, Depto de Biologia, Instituto de Caixa Postal 199, 13.500 Rio Claro, SP, Brazil.



A Newsletter is planned for CADA. For details or contributions contact Dr Daniel Pesante, University of Puerto Rico, Animal Science Department, College Station, 5000 Mayaguez, 00681, Puerto Rico. Fax: 010


809 265 860.

MALAY 14th Commonwealth Forestry Conference “People, the and Environment Forestry- Conflict or Harmony.” 13-18 September 1993, Kuala Lumpur. Further details from The Secretary General CFC-14, Forestry Department Headquarters, Peninsular Malaysia, Jalan Sultan Salahuddin, 50660 Kuala 010 603 292 5657

Lumpur Malaysia Fax Bees and Trees in the Tropics 28 August 1992. A one-day seminar to discuss development of beekeeping integrated with agroforestry, reforestation and forest-conservation programmes. Further details from: NECTAR, PO Box 141, 6720 AC, Bennekom, The Netherlands.

Tropical Rainforest Research. Current Issues 9-17 April 1993, Universiti Brunei Darussalam. Joint Conference of the Universiti Brunei Darussalam and the Royal Geographical Society. Further details from: Rainforest Conference Organiser, Registrar's Office, Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Bandar Seri Begawan 3186, Brunei Darussalam. Fax: 010 673 2 427003. CHINES.

The XXXII International Apicultural Congress - Apimondia.

Fifth International Conference on Apiculture in Tropical Climates: 7-12 September 1992, University of the West Indies. Further details from: Conference Steering Committee, IBRA, 18 North Road, Cardiff CFI 3DY, UK. Telex: 262433 B8390. Fax: 010 44 222 665522.

20-26 September 1993, Beijing International Convention Centre. Further details from: Apimondia, General Secretariat, Corso Vittorio Emanuele 101, 1-00186, Rome, Italy. Telex: 612533. Fax: 010 39 6 6548578. Information regarding Apiexpo 93, pre- and post-Congress tours, accommodation and travel arrangements please contact: Mr Li Wei or Ms Xu Youjing, The XXXII International Apicultural Congress, No 33 Nonfengli, Dongdaqiao, Chao Yang District, 100020 Beijing, China. Tel 22233 MAGR CN. Fax: 010 861 5005670.

8th International Palynological Congress. 6-12 September 1992, Aix en Provences. Further details from: Lab de Palynologie. CNRS Université des Sciences et Techniques du Languedoc, 34060 Montpellier Cedex, France. IN DLA International Symposium on Pollination in the Tropics. 8-13 August 1993, Bangalore. N Ganeshaiah, Secretary, International Symposium Further details from: Dr on Pollination in the Tropics, Department .of Genetics.and Plant Breeding, University of Agricultural Sciences, GKVK Campus, Bangalore 560 065, _Andia. Telex: 8458393 UASKIN.


and Tobago.




quality of the region's honey as evidenced by gold medals won in international competitions. 4. The need to integrate beekeeping into the diverse environmental and agro-forestry initiatives underway in the region so as to strengthen their potential for becoming selfsustaining enterprises. This First Regional Training Workshop for Beekeepers was sponsored by the InterAmerican Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) as one regional activity in celebration of its 50th Anniversary. The event was co-sponsored by the Ministry of Agriculture, Lands, Fisheries and Forestry in Saint Lucia. Financial assistance for the costs of some 30 participants was provided by Barclays plc, the USAID-funded Environmental and Coastal Resources Project (ENCORE) and the Florida Association of Voluntary Agencies for Caribbean Action (FAVACA). The Caribbean Apicultural Development Association has a five member Steering Committee consisting of the Chairman, Abudu Jaima Antigua and Barbuda, jorge Murillo Yepes Grenada, Daniel Pesante Puerta Rico, Rupert Gajadhar Saint Lucia, and M K Hallim Trinidad

Living with Varroa -

a symposium for British Beekeepers. November 1992. A one-day workshop being organised by IBRA. Further details to be announced and will be available from: IBRA, 18 North Road, Cardiff CF] 3DY, UK. Fax: 010 44 222 665522.


IX International Congress of Acarology 17-22 July 1994, Ramada University Hotel and Conference Center, Ohio. Further details front: Secretary, LX International Congress of Acarology,

Acarology Laboratory, Museum of Biological Diversity, The Ohio State University, 1315 Kinnear Road, Columbus, OH 43212, USA. Fax: 010 1.614 292 7774.




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