Bees for Development Journal Edition 24 - September 1992

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The AAA Membership fee is $20 per year. This includes four issues of Beekeeping & Development and AAA Newsletter supplements. People in countries where AAA has chapters (listed below), please send $20 or local equivalent to your chapter. People in other countries send $20 directly to the AAA Office, Institute of Honeybee Science, Tamagawa University, Machida-shi, Tokyo 194, Japan. |



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Bangladesh Apicultural Association, 135 Shantinagar, Dhaka 1217. CHINA: Chinese Apicultural Association, Xiangshan, Beijing. INDIA: Central Bee Research Institute, Khadi & Village Industries Commission, 1153 Ganeshkhind Road, Pune 411 O16. Dr V K Mattu, Department of Bio-Sciences, Himachal! Pradesh University, Shimla 171 005. Dr C C Reddy, Department of Zoology, Bangalore University, Inaha Bharati, Bangalore 560 056.

INDONESIA: Ms S Hadisoesilo, PO Box 4/BKN Bangkinang 28401, Riau, Sumatra.


Dr Kun-Suk Woo, Institute of Korea Beekeeping Science, College of Agriculture and Life Science, Seoul National University, Suwon 441 744. Dr Huong-Gyun Park, Institute of Agricultural Science & Technology, Kyungpook National University, Taegu 635.



MALAYSIA: Dr M Hj Muid, Plant Protection Department, Faculty of Agriculture, University Pertanian, 43400 Serdang, Selangor.

NEPAL: Mr K K Shrestha, Beekeeping Training & Extension Support Project, Godawari, Kathmandu.

PAKISTAN: Dr R Ahmad, Pakistan Agricultural Research Council, NARC, PO NIH, Islamabad.



Dr C R Cervancia, Department of Entomology, College of Agriculture, UP Los Banos, College,


SRI LANKA: Dr R W K Punchihewa, Agriculture Research Station, Makandura, Gonawila (NWP).

TAIWAN: Dr F K Hseih, Taiwan Apicultural & Sericultura] Experiment Station, 261 Kuan-nan, Kung-Kuan,




Prof S Wongsiri, BBRU, Department of Biology, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok 10330.

VIETNAM: Mr Tran Duc Ha, Director, Bee Research Center, Lang Ha, Dong Da, Hanoi.



My reading of your journal makes me think that someone ought to make a study of the types of traditional bee hives used in developing countries before it is too late. notice that shapes vary very much - sausage-shaped, round like tambourines and so on - and also _ the materials from which they are made. Soon they will be superseded as frame hives are adopted. Is there any way of providing a scholarship for someone to undertake such a research project? Perhaps developing countries’ governments would club together each = giving a small sum. |--The questions to be answered are: 1. Is anything known of the history of bee hives: have shapes changed? What materials are they, and have they been made of? & “3. What is put inside the empty hive - wooden:rack, scent etc? Is there a particular way of putting the hive up in a tree? What are the rituals connected with the making and placing, and also with the gathering of honey? Aré there any other cave paintings or drawings like those already known from Southern Africa? |



orothy Galton



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