Bees for Development Journal Edition 25 - December 1992

Page 13

BOOKSHELF offers you an invitation to reach potential readers

in nearly every country of the world. To improve the network of information available on Beekeeping and Development our aim is to review as many books on the subject as we can.


Naturgeschichte der honigbienen



by F Ruttner.


Munich, Germany, Ehrenwirth Verlag GmbH (1992) 357 pages. Hardback In German.

To help us please send review copies of your publications. We cannot guarantee to review all books but all those received will be considered for inclusion in the [BRA Library and in the Catalogue of publications to purchase from IBRA.





For those of you fascinated by the different species and races of honey bees, this is the one you have been waiting for! Professor Ruttner provides his life-time’s work on honey bee biology, species, races and distribution It is a beautifully produced book containing much data accompanied by abundant colour photographs and clear diagrams An English edition is eagerly awaited.

Bees and beekeeping in Southern Africa edited by


H Anderson and

B Buys. Paperback Reviewed in Beekeeping & Development 21 this book is now available mail order from


Price 10.00.

A grand Apis

insidea house

mellifera colony established in Kenya The central comb ts

2 m long and 0 PHOTOGRAPH SENT





LOOK AHEAD INDONESIA Asian Apicultural Association,

BRUNEI DARUSSALAM Tropical Rainforest Research. Current Issues

9-17 April 1993, Universiti Brunei Darussalam. Joint Conference of the Universiti Brunei Darussalam and the Royal Geographical Society. Further details from. Rainforest Conference Organiser, Registrar's Office, Universiti Brune: Darussalam. Bandar Seri Begawan 3186, Brunei Darussalam. Fax: 01 673 2 427003





Further details




Nishihara, Okinawa 903 01. Japan Telephone. 0181 98 895 222]. Ext 2126/2027. Fax. 0181 98 895 6096

MALAYSIA 14th Commonwealth Forestry Conference “People, the Environment and Forestry - Conflict or Harmony.” 13-18 September 1993, Kuala Lumpur.

Fax: 01 8611 5005670

CFC-14. Forestry Department Headquarters, Peninsular Malaysia, Jalan Sultan Salahuddin, 50660 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Fax: 01 603 03 292 5657

GHANA Second West Africa Beekeeping Research Seminar

UK IBRA Day 1993. 26 June

following November the region |



Topics will include all facets of beekeeping development

Further details from: The Secretary General

1993, Rothamsted Experimental Station. Forming part of the programme to celebrate 150 years of Rothamsted Experimental Station, a one-day open day incorporating the 1993 IBRA annual general meeting and lectures Further details from. BRA, 18 North Road, CardiffCF1 3DY. UK.


Fax 0144 222 665522.


Further details from Mr Ralph

A Hoyte-Williams, General Secretary. Ghana Box 9581, Airport-Accra, Ghana. PO Association, Beekeepers’

1X International Congress of Acarology

INDIA international Symposium on Pollination in the Tropics. 813 August 1993, Bangalore

Further details from Secretary, |X international Congress of Acarology,

Ganeshaiah. Secretary. International Symposium Further details from: Dr K Plant Breeding. in the Pollination Tropics, Department of Genetics and N



Further details from: Vil Pacific Science Inter-Congress Secretariat, c/o Section of international Affairs, University of the Ryukyus, ]-Senbaru,

28 November - 4 December 1993, Aburi Botanical Gardens. Africa The purpose of this Seminar is to bring together beekeepers from West two years to discuss the progress made in beekeeping development in the last the First West Africa Beekeeping Seminar held in The Gambia in



27 June-3 July 1993, Okinawa.

20-26 September 1993, Betjing International Convention Centre. General Secretariat, Corso Vittorio Emanuele Further details from: Apimondia, 101, 1-00186, Rome, Italy Telex: 612533. Fax: 01 396 6548578 Information regarding Apiexpo 93, pre- and post-Congress tours, accommodation and travel arrangements contact: Mr Li Wei or Ms Xu Youjing, The XXXill International Apicultural Congress, No 33 Nonfengli, Dongdagiao, Chao Yang District, 100020 Beijing, China Telex 22233 MAGR CN.




JAPAN Second Asia-Pacific Conference of Entomology (APCE).

CHINA The XXXII International Apicultural Congress - Apimondia.


to be

17-22 July 1994, Ramada University Hotel and Conference Center, Ohio.

Acarology Laboratory, Museum of Biological Diversity, The Ohio State University, 1315 Kinnear Road, Columbus, OH 43212, USA.


560 065, India, University of Agricultural Sciences, GKVK Campus. Bangalore Telex: 8458393 UASKIN.


Fax: Ol 1614 292 7774. here send details If you want details of your event included

__ to




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