Bees for Development Journal Edition 27 - June 1993

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Dear Friends

journal represents

This journal is now brought



month's salary or more, and we will do our best to

locate sponsorship for your subscription.

you by a new organisation -

Bees for Development. Helen Jackson and are running this |

together, and producing this journal on a not-for-profit basis.

Many of you live where there are plenty of other beekeeping journals available. We know you enjoy this journal because of the entirely different

Bees for Development will.

approach we have. By subscribing to Beekeeping & Development you are also helping us to assist beekeepers with fewer resources.

Provide advice and information on beekeeping in developing countries.


Promote beekeeping as a worthwhile and sustainable rural activity.

It is


Stimulate the use of appropriate technology for beekeeping.

specific goals.


Maintain an active network between interested people.

We are open



subscribing to this journal, and encouraging your friends


sharing your expertise; purchasing books from us:

We are pleased related topics.

to offer a

All income

sending us updates on information we publish.

agreed for me to continue

publication of Beekeeping & Development.

to do so.

sponsoring an additional subscription:


had much work planned for the future.

IBRA Council

your communications, suggestions and ideas.

can help us by:

in developing countries. Last October we were informed that IBRA Council had taken a policy decision to end our work at IBRA. This news

The good news is that


We hope that individuals and organisations will support our efforts. You

This journal was previously published by IBRA where Helen Jackson and had worked for many years providing information to beekeepers

filled us with shock and dismay: we know how many beekeepers in developing countries depend upon the information we provide, and we

very exciting to be forming a new organisation, and we have clear and

We look forward


hearing from you, new friends and old!

mail order service for books on beekeeping and we generate from book sales will be used

towards providing a free information service to beekeepers in developing


We know that

any of you practise beekeeping with little or no other assistance, and are often involved in teaching beekeeping to others. We want you to feel part of a larger network, whose collective experience is available to you We realise that for some readers a subscription to this .

Unless stated otherwise

sterling. S refers


In addition to producing this journal we are continuing our commitment to beekeeping development work in many ways. have taken over teaching of the Diploma in Apiculture course at the University of Wales College of Cardiff. and hope to continue my involvement with the ODA-funded research on hive design in Arusha, Tanzania, and other projects. |

refers to pounds

US dollars.

Editor: Dr Nicola Bradbear Co-ordinator: Helen Jackson Four editions of Beekeeping & Development are published every year in March, June, September and December.

Advertisements in Beekeeping & Development reach a wide audience. Various sizes of advertisements are available. Write to us for

Beekeeping & Development is

Our new organisation, Bees for Developme seeks to assist beekeepers in developing countries. If you have any enquiries then write to us and we will try to help you.

Bees for Development.

World Vision Award for Development Initiative 1990.

Beekeepi development _ WE ARE BACK!





published by

4000 copies of Beekeeping & Development are printed and distributed to individuals, projects, organisations and associations world wide.

We need to build a new and active beekeeping network and we want you to feel part of it. We welcome your contributions. Write to us about methods you have found useful, your events and activities, your questions and news of interest or concern to other readers.




Cover picture:


woman in Shewa

Province, central Ethiopia offers comb honey for sale. In this area of Ethiopia rural women keep bees in basket hives and honey selling is a worthwhile source of income. REINHARD FICHTL

Items appearing in Beekeeping & Development are intended to help beekeepers. We are happy for these to be reproduced but please give full acknowledgement to Beekeeping & Development and the author of the item you are using. All items are written by Nicola Bradbear and are Bees for Development unless stated otherwise. We also ask you to send us a copy of the reproduced item.



Bees for Development, Troy, Monmouth, NPS 4AB, UK. Telephone: 010 44 (0)600 713648 Fax: 010 44 (0)600 716167 Details are on page


Beekeepers living in financially poor and remote areas of the world receive Beekeeping & Development without payment through the generosity of sponsors. This edition of Beekeeping & Development is produced with support from UK beekeeping groups and individuals. Beekeeping & Development's production is assisted by World Vision UK. Beekeeping & Development has been adopted as the official newsletter of the Asian Apicultural


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