3 minute read
Asian Apicultural Association
During the Apimondia Congress in Beijing a formal meeting of AAA was held. The meeting, chaired by the General Secretary, Dr Matsuo Matsuka, was attended by about 80 people. The President of AAA, Professor Tetsuo Sakai gave welcoming address and Vice-Presidents Professor L. R Siriwat Wongsiri and Professor Verma were also in attendance.
AAA now has 14 Chapters (or sub-groups) and Members from India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Nepal, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam gave short reports of recent news from country.
A major topic for discussion was the forthcoming AAA Conference in Indonesia: the organisers are keen to make this very useful and productive meeting, and hope to have bee scientists and beekeepers from all Asian countries represented. During the Apimondia Congress many papers gave new facts on the biology of Asian bees, and the Indonesian Conference will provide next year's venue for up-to-date exchange of information.
One problem facing AAA is that some Members are forgetting that their subscriptions must be paid every year. As with all successful organisations, AAA depends upon Members paying their subscriptions on time!
BANGLADESH: Dr Alamgir Mati, Bangladesh Apicultural Association, Dhaka.
BANGLADESH: Mr S M Latif Dewan, c/o Bee Research Unit, School, University of Wales College of Cardiff.
CHINA: Professor GH Yang, Institute of Apicultural Research, Bejing.
CHINA: Dr Wei-Yi Wang, Hangzhou Pollen Co Lt, Hangzhou.
INDIA: Central Bee Research Institute, Pune.
INDIA: Dr Mattu, Department of Bio-Sciences, Himachal Pradesh University.
INDIA: Dr Reddy, Department of Zoology, Bangalore University.
INDONESIA: Ms Soesilawati Hadisoesilo, Sumatra.
INDONESIA: Mr Adjat Sudrajijat, Ministry of Forestry, Jakarta.
SOUTH KOREA: Dr Kun-Suk Woo, Institute of Korea Beekeeping Science, College of Agriculture and Life
SOUTH KOREA: Mr Ki-Tae Cho, Korean Beekeeping Association
SOUTH KOREA: Mr Woo-Suk Ahn, Cheju Branch, Korean Beekeeping Association
MALAYSIA: Dr Hj Muid, Plant Protection Department. Agricultural University of Malaysia
NEPAL: Mr Krishna Shrestha, Beekeeping Training Extension Support Project, Kathmandu
PAKISTAN: Dr Rafiq Ahmad. Pakistan Agricultural Research Council, Islamabad.
PHILIPPINES: Dr Cleofas Cervancia, Department of Entomology. College of Agriculture, Laguna
SAUDI ARABIA: Mr Jassim AI Mughrabi, Ministry of Agriculture Water, Riyadh
SRILANKA: Dr Punchihewa, Agricuiture Research Station, Gonawila
TAIWAN (China): Dr Hsieh, Taiwan Apicultural Sericultural Experiment Station, Miaoli.
THAILAND: Mr Buranapawang, Bee Research Section, Thailand Department of Agriculture
VIETNAM: Mr Tran Duc Ha, Bee Research Centre, Hanoi.
Remember to pay your annual “subscription (local equivalent of USS20) to your local Chapter.
You are very welcome to join AAA. Send the local .equivalent of USS20 to your local Chapter. If there is-no Chapter in your country, or.if you would like to form one, then join by sending USS20 to AAA, Institute of Honeybee.
Please look at the AAA website for addresses and details.
The Second Asian Apicultural Association Conference will take place in Yogyakarta, Indonesia 25-30 July 1994. This promises to be a very interesting meeting, held in tropical bee environment. Yogyakarta is a University town in the south of Central Java. Accommodation ranging from the inexpensive upwards will be available.