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The Journal of Apimondia, The International Federation of Beekeeping Associations

The publishers announce that from the beginning of 1996 the subscription rate to Apiacta will be USS$28.00 plus USS4.00 for airmail postage.

The magazine is available in English, French, German or Spanish editions. Available from: APIMONDIA, Corso Vittorio Emanuele, Italy


Biogeography and taxonomy of honeybees

by Friedrich Ruttner

Berlin, Springer Verlag, Germany (1988) 284 pages. Hardback.

We are very pleased to be able to offer Beekeeping Development readers this extremely valuable text dealing with the evolution and ecology of honeybees at the special reduced price of £43.00 including postage. Usual retail price (without postage) £76.00

Beekeeping in India

by G K Ghosh

Ashish Publishing House, New Delhi, India (1995) 194 pages. Hardback. Available from Ashish Publishing House, New Delhi, India price US$25.00 including postage

This is small book with big ambitions to cover the whole of beekeeping within 194 pages.

It has 39 chapters starting with the anatomy of bees and proceeding through SWOT: “Strength Weakness Opportunity Threat” analysis of beekeeping. Applying the first two criteria to this book its strength lies in the good descriptions of how to do beekeeping the kind of information that beekeepers share with one another.

There is weakness in the technical information and typography However, scientific descriptions of Asian bees are available elsewhere, while practical advice on Indian beekeeping is less easy to obtain.

The Oxfam Handbook on Development and Relief

by Deborah Eade and Suzanne Williams, with contributions from Oxfam staff and others.

Oxfam, United Kingdom (1995) volumes slipcased 1200 pages with tables and index. Paperback. Available from Bees for Development price £33.45

A densely packed compendium of information on every conceivable aspect of development. Distilled knowledge with thousands of contact addresses and references for further information.

The Handbook is the product of the experiences of Oxfam's work in over 70 countries around the world

This is what Oxfam says about it:

“The Handbook respects the changes in thinking, analysis, and development policy which have taken place since the publication of The Field Director's Handbook in the 1980s, in response to the changing circumstances in which development and relief operations operate. An invaluable work of reference for development practitioners and planners, for policy makers and social analysts, and for teachers and students of development. The Handbook analyses policy, procedure and practice in fields as diverse as health, human tights, emergency relief, capacity-building and agricultural production"

How well are you willing to bee? beginner's “auto” fix it guide

by Pat Wagner

DeLancey Printing and Publishing, Alexandria, VA USA (1995 2nd edition) 70 pages. Paperback. USA price US$27.00 including postage

This is very unconventional book which you will either love or hate.

Pat Wagner suffered from multiple sclerosis for 20 years until she tried bee sting therapy, since when she has experienced healing results that she never believed possible. If you want to try bee sting therapy, or Honeybee Healing as the author calls it, full details are given. The book is written in positive way. It argues that, if done carefully, nobody suffering illness has anything to lose from trying Honeybee Healing, while there can be plenty of benefits. Pat Wagner has given Honeybee Healing to over 3000 people and recounts numerous examples of people being helped by this therapy.


by Miguel Altieri

Westview Press, Boulder CO, USA (1995) 433 pages. Paperback. Available from Bees for Development price £18.95

This is 433 pages of state of the art information about sustainable agriculture. The author provides case studies of sustainable rural development programmes that have worked, and goes on to discuss the far reaching impacts of such projects.

The book is divided into five parts, each with several chapters, some by other authors. The five parts are: The theoretical basis of agricultural ecology; The design of alternative agricultural systems and technologies: Alternative production systems; Ecological management of insects pests, pathogens and weeds; and Looking ahead.

Costing and pricing for export: the essentials for small and medium-sized enterprises

International Trade Centre

UNCTAD/GATT, Geneva, Switzerland (1993 revised publication) 103 pages. Available from: UNCTAD Editorial Board, Geneva, Switzerland. Price USS40 or free to recipients in developing countries who write to UNCTAD.

This A4 size book gives the following information:

- Basic grounding in the principles and practice of cost accounting;

- How to apply this knowledge to an export situation;

- Explanation of the basic economics of pricing policy and the factors which an exporter must take into account in determining selling price;

- Examples of export pricing;

- Explanation of how export prices are calculated.

This information is vital for anyone considering the big step of venturing on to the export market.

Agromisa Newsletter

This new publication (first edition July 1995) aims to provide an insight into the services of Agromisa. The Agromisa Foundation provides technical information on small-scale sustainable agriculture and related topics. The advice is free of charge to support groups or individuals with limited resources.

Agromisa Foundation, Netherlands


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