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Notice board
Bee Farmer in Indonesia seeks partners to produce and market bee health products.
For details contact: M Sudjai, Indonesia
Tabora Beekeepers have bumper honey crop and are eager for new markets. Interested parties are welcome to send their orders. Write to: Justin Madaha, Tabora Beekeepers’ Co-op Society Ltd, Tanzania
Honey available for sale and export. Contact: D H Oza, 503 Toran Ashopalav Society, India
Fund for Women’s Leadership and Representation aims to increase women’s access to leadership positions in public and civil life and to encourage representation in South America and the Caribbean. Areas considered for funding are leadership skills, training, research and advisory services.
Contact: Women in Development Progam Unit, Inter-American Development Bank, Washington
We would like to implement joint commercial projects in beekeeping, bee breeding, honey refining and packing, and production of beekeeping tools and equipment. Interested individuals and companies please send your profile and area of interest to: The Managing Director, Tanzania Management Services, Tanzania
If you want your event listed in Look Ahead or Learn Ahead send details well in advance. Address on page two. Bees for Development is sometimes able to support workshops by providing past editions of B&D and other teaching materials. Send details of your meeting at least three months ahead of the date.