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Asian Apicultural Association
The Asian Apicultural Association (AAA) assists with communication and exchange of information between beekeepers and bee scientists in Asia. AAA administrative headquarters are in Japan. Networking between countries is also assisted by AAA Representatives (Chapters) throughout Asia. Membership costs USS20 per year.
You can send your payment directly to the AAA Office, Honeybee Science Research Center, Tamagawa University, Machida, Tokyo. Or you can join AAA by contacting your local representative.
Names and addresses of local representatives can be found on their website
Conference Objectives
- To exchange scientific information on Asian bees
- To highlight beekeeping practices and science unique to Asia
- To define the importance of bee products in Asia
- To stress the importance of beekeeping for a diversified environment
Conference Themes
- Biology of Asian bees
- Management of Asian bees and Apis mellifera in Asia
- Beekeeping products and marketing
- Beekeeping development programmes