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News from Njiro

Njiro Wildlife Research Centre and Bees for Development are co-operating on three-year project “Sustainable Beekeeping for Africa” funded by the United Kingdom DFID. The UK’s new Labour Government has renamed the former ODA as the Department For International Development, DFID


B&D is pleased to publish the Recommendations from this important workshop held at Njiro Wildlife Research Centre, Tanzania, in May 1997. Over 50 participants enjoyed fruitful three days looking at problems and solutions facing the beekeeping sector. Here are their Recommendations:

Technical Recommendations

1. Hives, equipment and management methods must be developed to favour the involvement of women in the beekeeping sector.

2. Beekeeping research must focus on appropriate technology for:

- simple hives;

- suitable methods to ensure hives can kept near to homes and farms;

- appropriate clothing - processing of valuable bee products;

- methods to encourage colonies to stay in hives instead of migrating or absconding.

Environmental Recommendations

1. The public must be educated on the proper ways of conserving and managing forests which are vital for the production of bee products

2. Governments should encourage people to plant and grow trees. They should recommend tree species that are fast growing and suitable bee plants.

3. People should be encouraged to practise Api-Agro-Forestry.

4. People living around national parks and forest reserves should be allowed practise environmentally-friendly beekeeping in these areas.4

Recommendations on Training and Extension

1. Establish solid link between extension agents and target groups ie beekeepers.

2. Introduce appropriate technology to target groups.

3. Governments should show real commitment in supporting the development of beekeeping.

4. Demonstration centres need to organised close to target groups.

5. Training must be practical and demand-driven 6. Training must be gender insensitive.

Market Recommendations

Beekeepers should form national societies to unite with common cause and voice to:

- improve information about the market situation for bee products;

- improve distribution and sale of bee products;

- create competition with imported products;

- develop quality and diversification of local bee products;

- increase the price level for bee products.

Workshop Sponsors

Thanks to all the organisations who sponsored individuals to participate including Forum Syd (Sweden) and UWESO (Uganda). Within Tanzania: Beekeeping Training Institute, Tabora; Heifer Project; KIRDEP, Kondoa; LAMP, District Council Babati; Ministry of National Resources Tourism; Olmontonyi Forestry Training Institute; Tabora Beekeepers’ Co-operative Society; Tanzania Environmental Action Association; and Tanzania Tree Planting Foundation

Meetings and workshops often pass resolutions for future action. How to turn these “good resolutions” into action? Bees for Development is happy to print resolutions here so that they reach a very wide audience.

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