honeybee. The 20,000 species of social insects in the world have many behavioural tendencies in common, but dance language Is unique to honeybees. This film devised by Dr Francis Ratnieks at the University of Sheffield, United Kingdom teaches viewers to decode the waggle dance language and explains how the
messages “danced” by forager bees provide other bees in the hive with details of where to forage, how far away the source is, and how much nectar
Perspectives in Indian Apiculture edited by
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Bees for Development price 20.00
By decoding the dance messages relayed by the bees it is possible for the observer to determine local forage ecology which can be difficult to otherwise
Sixteen chapters from different ote PRES contributors have been : in Indian Perspectives assimilated to
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Dancing for their supper Bees for Development price 20.00 including airmail Available from
hi postage and packing “An excellent video which clearly and accurately portrays the daice language”, Professor Roger Morse, Cornell University
Professor Thomas Seeley, Cornell
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A compilation of four
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obtain. This film will have world-wide appeal. The final 13 minutes show honeybees performing the waggle dance and can be used by viewers to practise decoding the dance language: a major benefit of video!
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