look ahead
Apimondia International Apicuitural Congress 12-18 September 1999, Vancouver Further details from: Apimondia 99, c/o Venue West Conference Services, #645 - 375 Water Street, Vancouver,
BC V6B 5C6, Canada Fax (+1) 604 681 2503 E-mail congress@venuewest.com http://www.apimondia99.ca
FRANCE 7th Symposium on Hazards of Pesticides to Bees 7-9 September 1999, University of Avignon Further details from: Dr Luc P Belzunces, Laboratoire de Toxicologie
Environnementale, INRA - Zoologie, Site Agroparc, 84914 Avignon Cedex 9, France Fax (+33) 490 31 6270 E-mail belzunce@avignon.inra.fr
ISRAEL XIV International Plant Protection Congress 25-30 July 1999, Jerusalem Further details from: Congress Secretariat, XIV International Plant Protection
Congress, PO Box 50006, Tel Aviv 61500, Israel Fax (+972) 3514 0077
NIGERIA Medicinal Values of Bee Products:
Applications and Apitherapy 8-12 August 1999, Ibadan
Further details from: Bidemi Ojeleye, Centre for Bee Research & Development,
PO Box 22691, Ul Post Office, Ibadan, Nigeria Fax (+234) 2241 3385 E-mail cebrad@ibadan.skannet.com
SOUTH AFRICA Apimondia International Apicultural Congress 13-18 September 2001 Further details from: APIMONDIA, General Secretariat, Corso Vittorio Emanuele Il 101, 1-00186 Rome, Italy Fax (+39) 6685 2286 E-mail apimondia@melinicit
European Bee Research and Beekeeping (European Conference for the Millennium)
SPAIN XI Concurso Nacional de Catadores de Miel (XI National Contest of
23-25 April 1999, Dornburg/Jena Weimar
Honey Tasters)
Further details from: Freunde und Férderer
18-21 March 1999, Pastrana
der Bienenkunde in Europa ev, Europabiiro Jena, Lobdergraben 13, D-07743 Jena, Germany Fax (+49) 3641 493 634
Further details from: Feria Apicola de Castilla La Mancha, c/o Constitucién 2, Apdo 307, 19003 Guadalajara, Spain Fax (+34) 949 21 84 76
8th International Symposium on Pollination
Fifth Asian Apicultural Association Conference
10-14 July 2000, Mosonmagyarovar
19-25 March 2000, Chiang Mai
Further details from: Professor P Benedek,
Further details from: Asian Apicultural Association, c/o Honeybee Science Research Center, Tamagawa University, Machida Shi,
Faculty of Agriculture, Pannon University of Agricultural Sciences,
H-9201 Mosonmayarovar, var 4, Hungary Fax (+36) 96 215 931
learn ahead CANADA Bee Venom Collection Course 15
September 1999, Richmond
Further details from: Michael Simics, Apitronic Services, 4640 Pendleburgh Road,
Richmond, BC V7E 1E7, Canada Fax (+1) 604 271 9414 E-mail msimics@direct.ca
Tokyo 194-8610, Japan Fax (+81) 427 39 8854 E-mail hitomi@agr.tamagawa.ac.jp
UNITED KINGDOM Managing Forests, Managing Change
28 June -
July 1999, Chatham Maritime
Further details from: Training Officer, Natural Resources Institute, University Greenwich, Central Avenue, Chatham Maritime, Kenc
ME4 4TB, United Kingdom Fax (+44) 1634 883386 E-mail j.pilcher@gre.ac.uk
UNITED KINGDOM British Beekeepers’ Spring Convention 24 April 1999, Stoneleigh
~WE___ stand
Agricultural Centre, Stoneleigh, Warwickshire, CV8 2LZ, United Kingdom E-mail bbka@bbka.demon.co.uk
noticeboard VOLUNTEER WANTED La Programme de Redynamisation de
’Apicuiture dans le Centre-Est du Sénégal (PRACES) is looking for a volunteer to help with their beekeeping programme. An ability to converse in French an
advantage. Contact: Mamadou Seye Diagne, Chargé de Programme, PRACES, c/o UGAPS-BCC, BP 03, Koungheul,
FOOTSTEPS Footsteps is a quarterly newsletter for people working in health and development. It is published by the Christian organisation, TearFund. The newsletter is published in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish. Donations towards its production are welcome. Write to: Footsteps, PO Box 200, Bridgnorth, Shropshire WV 16 4WQ, United Kingdom E-mail imc@tearfund.dircon.co.uk
WORKSHOP MATERIALS Bees for Development provides training and information materials to beekeeping workshops in developing countries. Send details of your workshop, and the
anticipated number of participants to us at least three months ahead of the date.
BEE BOOKS NEW AND OLD 10 Quay Road, Charlestown, PL23 3NX, United Kingdom for your new and secondhand books. 01726 76844 or
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in Notice Board? Advertisements cost only 0.50 per word (VAT applies in EC countries).
Your conferences, workshops and meetings
August 1999, Cardiff University and Niiro Wildlife Research Centre
Page 16
A Bees
for Development publication
Further details from: British Beekeepers’ Association, National
Beekeeping in Rural Development
Further details from: Bees for Development at the address opposite.
Bees for
E-mail busy@planbee.org.uk