Bees for Development Journal Edition 53 - December 1999

Page 3

Beekee in & Develo ment No 53


A:uated Vancouver Convention Centre. .._,-his provided a fantastic arena for


the XXXVI international beekeepin

eptember 1999 was the date,

Vancouver Canada the venue, for the biannual phenomenon that is

the Apimondia Congress.

Stringent planning and attention to detail

by the Local Organising Committee

meant that the Congress ran as

smoothly as Niagara Falls. The Congress

took place in the huge, spectacularly-

situated Vancouver Convention Centre.

This provides a fantastic arena for Api-Expo (the Congress trade display)

and halls for all the dozens of sessions, meetings and symposia that took place. Apimondia Congresses are the venue for meeting apicultural scientists and

practitioners from every part of the world.

New faces

This year saw the retirement of the Apimondia President, Professor

Raymond Borneck from France after

15 years in office. We wish Professor

Borneck a "happy retirement"!

Congratulations to Mr Asger J0rgensen

from Denmark who now steps into the "hot seat" as Apimondia President.

Future plans

In two years' time the Apimondia

Congress will take place in Durban,

South Africa. To prepare for this meeting

a Working Group within the Apimondia

Standing Commission for Rural Development has been established to

co-ordinate preparations and material

for presentation. The Working Group will use Bees for Development's network for dissemination of

information. We want the next Congress

to focus on beekeeping as a way to stop poverty. Sessions will cover extension

and training, and beekeeping in the African continent, and there will be plenty of opportunity for fresh information input for people new to the field.

So you want to take part?

The Alternative Bee Space, Apimondia 99

During the week three separate sessions concerning Beekeeping for Rural

Development took place. These covered many aspects of our areas of interest

and brought together old and new friends to share experiences.

Many more informal, but just as

important discussions took place during

the week at the Alternative Bee Space

within Api-Expo. Materials explaining beekeeping from around the world attracted people away from the shiny stainless steel equipment. Here they

listened to the news from B&D correspondents and delegates talking about rural development, and how beekeeping is working in some of the poorest parts of the world.

You cannot begin too early to seek

funding for your own attendance at these Congresses. Make your interest known in good time to the Congress

Organisers (see Look Ahead for contact

addresses), and make sure you stick to

deadlines for submission of papers and

early registration dates. Once you have a paper accepted for presentation, you have a better chance of funding from local donors. Apimondia and

Bees for Development do not

have funding resources.


There are many categories of medals and awards at Apimondia Congresses. Congratulations to all this year's winners. We are pleased to relate that at this Congress the Alternativ Bee Space organised by

Bees for Development

received a High Commendation.

Bees for Development acknowledges: CIDA (Canada), IDRC (Canada), Apimondia Local Organising Committee (Canada),Api Promo-GTZ,(Germany), Cera Rica Noda Co Ltd ljapan), Technical Centre for Rural and Agricultural Co-operation, CTA (The Netherlands), International Foundation for Science (Sweden), Tobago Apicu/tural Society, E H Thorne (Beehives) Ltd (United Kingdom), Freeman & Harding Ltd (United Kingdom), and The Commonwealth Foundation (United Kingdom). Support from these organisations

enabled the participation of people from

developing countries, the Alternative

Bee Space display, and a reception for

Beekeeping for Rural Development on

the first evening of the Congress. Bees for Development would like to

express sincere thanks for this support.

explanation please! Apimondia is the World Federation of Beekeepers' Associations. The headquarters of the General Secretariat is in Rome, Italy and a printing house is in Bucharest, Romania. Every two years Apimondia convenes the International Beekeeping Congress held in a different country each time. In 200 I the venue is South Africa and 2003 in Slovenia. Look Ahead in B&D brings you up-to-date information about all international meetings related to beekeeping and development. The Bees for Devel_opment stand at Apimondia, with Colin Calver and M S Reddy

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