1 minute read
In Issue 55
All about Beekeeping & Development
This journal Beekeeping & Development (B&D) is published by the organisation Bees for Development.
B&D focuses specifically on sustainable beekeeping. We aim to help beekeepers, and raise the profile of beekeeping by ‘featuring new developments from around the world. You are welcome to submit letters and articles, news and items for publication in B&D. These can contribute established features such as Practical Beekeeping, News Around the World, Zoom in on ..., or Trees Bees Use. Alternatively they can be published as a special feature (see for example ‘Human Bees’ and ‘GMO's in B&D54 We endeavour to present a wide range of interesting, new information concerning the many facets of beekeeping world-wide.
Please see the most recent journal for subscription details
You can help by sending a donation to Bees for Development, 1 Agincourt Street, Monmouth NP25 3DZ, UK Tel: +44 (0)1600 714848 info@beesfordevelopment.org www.beesfordevelopment.org