Income we receive from orders supports the Bees for Development Information Service for beekeepers in developing countries. Please buy all your bee reading and viewing from us! A complete list and description of all the books, posters and videos available from Bees for Development is on our website at Books are in English unless stated otherwise. Crop pollination by bees
Beekeeping trainer resource book
Keith Delaplane and Daniel Mayer
Aniruddha N Shukla
352 pages Hardback
Available from Bees for Development —————
price 65
guide covering
aspects of
flowers interact.
There are warnings about the
vulnerability of crop pollinators and how dangerous the world can be to them, in
important bee plants
Paul Latham
AVailable from ICIMOD,
84 pages
A4 spiral bound with
colour photographs on almost every
US$15 (developing
Kathmandu, Nepal. Member countries),
pollination and how bees and
- 162 pages
PO Box
practical and research-based
ra sie
Order code D130
This book is
Beekeeping in Bas Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo with particular reference to some
page. Available
countries), US$20
from Bees for
(developed countries)
An illustrated reference guide for
price 36
beekeepers, students, trainers and development workers.
Order code L115
This manual is
Chapter the history of development of beekeeping
the result of a beekeeping project to
in Nepal.
and the planting of useful bee plants
Chapter 2 Classification of honeybees, division of work and different
from a world perspective.
The 51 chapters also discuss honeybee biology, bumblebees, alkali bees, alfalfa
development stages.
humid, tropical regions of Africa. In the
Chapter 3 Basics needs of honeybees. Chapter 4 Different types of hives used
early 1980s, the Salvation Army provided beekeeping training and by
in Nepal.
1990, almost 400 beekeepers were
terms of pesticide use and bee diseases. Much of the book relates to pollination
leaf cutting bees, mason bees and other soil nesting bees; plus individual chapters on important crops including apple,
beans, cotton, tomatoes and soybean.
Three appendices cover: bees and beekeeping books and supplies in the UK, Europe, South Africa, Canada and USA; a
sample pollination agreement contract;
and a table of pesticides.
management of mountain crops through beekeeping Uma Partap
This publication is now available in Nepali. For our review see B&D 53
page 10. Price 15
Order code P165
ES Beekeeping & Development 58
The importance of bees and
encourage beekeeping, conservation
mentioned can be found throughout the
producing a honey surplus to sell of
Chapter 5 Beekeeping equipment.
7 kg each. Today 1000 beekeepers
Chapter 6 Apiary management including
with 2000 hives annually harvest 14 tonnes of honey.
absconding, colony dividing, feeding, colony inspection and establishing apiaries.
Chapter 7 Bee products
honey, wax,
Bas Congo Province. Many plants
The majority of the beekeepers have
pollen, venom, royal jelly, and propolis.
only one or two hives but the
Chapter 8 Enemies of bees and protecting bees from pesticides.
supplementary income from the honey they sell is valuable.
Chapter 9 Honeybee diseases and their control.
The project was part funded by DFID-UK and Christian Aid (UK).
‘Chapter 10 Bee colony migration for '
maximum honey production.
Chapter 11 Importance of pollination, the bee flora of Nepal, preparation of a bee forage calendar.
Chapter 12 Model examination questions.
Also by Paul Latham Beekeeping and some honeybee plants in Umalila, Southern Tanzania English and Swahili versions, each 33 Order codes L105 and L110