resistant AFB for genetic pollution from
determine whether these AFB bacteria Have Round-up Ready gene. That gene should have
been tagged along with the tetracycline resistant. if, in
fact, this antibiotic resistant AFB was
due to horizontal gene transfer between GM crops
. In the USA the New York State Legislature has been
and foulbrood bacteria.
considering banning the cultivation of genetically modified a ~~(GM) crops, and/or requiring labelling of products containing GM ingredients.
want to stress the speculative nature of this
possible GM organism/antibiotic-resistant AFB
connection. However, if it is true, the public health implications are enormous. A documented
State legislative committees held public hearings on this subject during October 2000. was invited to testify at these hearings. Although am no authority on the topic, decided to review publicly available information pertaining to the possible impact of GM crops on honeybees, and present this material at the hearing. identified three main areas of concern: |
GM Crops. think that the technology exists to be able to
antibiotic-resistant gene transfer into a disease
organism would strongly indicate that the Food
and Drugs Administration (FDA) should re-assess
the potential human risks associated with
There is a great lack of publicly available information evaluating the effects of GM crops
for the sale and consumption of some of these
antibiotic resistant gene has no expression and
modified plants.
on bees. Biotechnology corporations fund research
is harmless. However, if this gene was able to
on GM crops in their efforts to gain regulatory
transfer from the GM plant and enter another
approval for the marketing of GM varieties
bacterium, that bacterium would become
of canola, corn, cotton, soybeans and other crops.
antibiotic-resistant. This might render commonly
This research supposedly proves beyond
used antibiotics useless against diseases attacking
reasonable doubt that these novel genetic
humans and livestock, including honeybees.
combinations are safe to introduce into the
Honeybees in the USA are
environment. Canadian researcher Mark Winston recently attempted to gain access to the results of research that assessed the effects of GM crops on honeybees. Canadian government authorities
acknowledged that such research had been conducted, but refused to provide any details. Their refusal was attributed to the fact that such research is confidential and owned by the
undisclosed biotechnology corporations who funded the studies in question. Similar policies
apply in the USA. This lack of openness raises serious credibility issues regarding corporate
claims about the safety of GM crops.
research is solid, then why is it kept secret?
Laboratory studies carried out by the French
government research institute INRA indicate that pollen from some GM crops shortens the lifespan of adult bees. It also seems to cause some learning
dysfunctions that could result in the disorientation of foraging bees. Disoriented bees may become lost or unable to locate nectar sources.
against AFB for 40 years until 1996. In that year, tetracycline resistatice was confirmed in both Argentina and the upper midwestern states of Wisconsin and Minnesota. Since then it has spread to at least 17 states in the USA, including New York, and to parts of Canada. During the 1990s, millions of acres of Round-up Ready crops were planted in Argentina,
think we should
immediately request, through our local, state and national associations, that the FDA analyse samples of antibiotic resistant AFB in order to determine whether or not a genetic transfer has occurred from GM crops. If we act together, the FDA will find our combined resolutions to be a powerful stimulus te investigate this matter. Biotech corporations have maintained that we should trust their research findings that secretly prove to Federal regulators that GM crops are
would suggest that it would be wise to
maintain a healthy scepticism on this matter. Often there is a fundamental conflict between
the corporate interest in short-term profit, and the public interest in the health and safety of the people.
fact, we have recently seen
examples of this conflict exposed in the courts
concerning other corporations. |
believe that we all are now participating
consent. Many European beekeepers are fiercely
the creation of Round-up Ready crops was
opposed to the cultivation of GM crops near their
researchers at the University of Jena showed that
resistant to tetracycline. After 40 years of effective
apiaries. It is well within the realm of possibility
genetic material from GM canola crossed the species barrier, and was positively identified
usage against an infective bacterium found in the
that US beekeepers should be too.
- Melieve
this is the first publicly documented case of horizontal gene transfer from GM crops 8 bacteria. This discovery may have major implications for the future of GM crops. One main objection to GM crops has focused on the fact
guts of honeybees, suddenly two geographically isolated countries simultaneously develop common thread between tetracycline resistance. A
Argentina, Canada and the USA is the widespread and recent cultivation of GM crops containing
tetracycline resistant genes. |
that during genetic manipulations required to “-reate GM organisms, antibiotic-resistant ‘marker’ -
came out in June 2000, when German
most important public disclosure
in bacteria that live in the guts of honeybees.
increasingly aliicted by a strain of antibiotic-resistant American foulbrood (AFB). Before the advent of antibiotics, this bacterial infection was the most serious bee disease in the world. Tetracycline was used effectively
As an industry
Canada and the USA. According to my information, the antibiotic resistant gene used in
eo Possibly the
GM crops, and possibly revoke Federal approval
into the target plant. Within the plant, the
so-called genes genes are combined with the of interest” These combined genes are inserted |
oP ay
spoke about this with Dr Hachiro Shimanuki,
until recently the research leader of the USDA/ARS
Honey Bee Research Laboratory in Beltsville, USA. He is not aware of any attempt to analyse the
A Bees for Development publication
in a vast GM experiment without our informed
Joe Rowland, Secretary of the Empire State (New York) Honey Producers Association, USA Source: GENET (European Network on Genetic Engineering). Sent to B&D by John Irwin
EXPLANATION GM crops are those that have been developed by genetic engineering — transferring genes from one species to another. Useful reading The B&D debate GMOs
B&D 54 (2000)