Bees for Development Journal Edition 5 - March 1984

Page 8

8, NEW



on Beeswax

receivedfar less attention than honey, and less is: known For this reason the five new publications by it. which cover Penelope Walker, many aspects of beeswax, are a valuable addition to the IBRA series of Bibliozraphies and will be of wide-ranging interest. Beeswax has

and published about

Bach bibliography is divided into sections, and the list below gives examples of section topics. The Bibliographies can be obtained direct from IBRA (50% discount to IBRA members) and prices include postage.

secretion and use by bees or US$12.50 7 Includes beeswax synthesis, comb building (pheromonal factors, initiation, etc.), and encouragement of wax production by the 87 entries beekeeper.

No. 30


No. 31


No. 32

Beeswax: composition, properties, adulteration or usg14 7675 Covers wx from Apis and non-Apis bees, and includes adulteration and admixture with other waxes. 147 entries

No. 44


No. 34

processing 7 or US#12.50 separating combs from honey; rendering and refining beeswax, bleaching and sterilizing beeswax and preparing it for exhibition. 94 entries

uses and commercial aspects 7.75 Includes foundation, candles, cosmetics, standards and legislation. 149 entries

or uS#14


interest or publications of nistorical about the and Early writings honeybee's production beeswax; history of beeswax, its production, uses 69 entries

Beeswax: -



bidiLiograpny ot legislation


tc ieportation

of bees


relevant USf11 use of



control of disease

In recent years man has transported bees into many countries. This has caused two major problems: (1) the spread of bee diseases and (2) the presence of bees in areas wnere their type of behavioural characteristics are The importance of stopping the further spread of bee diseases unsuitable. has prompted the collection by IBRA of all known legislation which seeks to control bee disease. I have prepared a bibliography from this information, and it is now published under the title Laws and regulat}]ions (world-wide . i relating to the importation of bees, the control and notification of bee diseases, and the registration and siting of hives. ;

This bibliogrephy gives details and a brief description of such legislation held in 42 countries, and also lists 15 countries which have no such legislation. Beekeepers will find the bibliography useful as a source of information about the legislation weich is in force. Tdeaily all countries should have some legislation controlling the import and export of bees, and to prevent the spread of bee diseases, and it is hoped that this booklet will also be useful to those countries which have no such legislation, in providing a guide to the types of laws which they require, The bibliography (IZRA Bibliography No. 35) is available from IDRA, price 7.75 or US#14.00, with 5% discount to IBRA members.

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