1 minute read
In Issue 66
Dear friends
In BID Journal we seek to provide you with:
- Information about low-cost and sustainable beekeeping methods that work well
- Details of organisations to help you make contacts in your nation or region
- News of global issues affecting beekeeping - for example diseases and predators spreading worldwide, trade issues, new legislation
- Awareness of the great value of apiculture, its importance for rural livelihoods and its role in maintaining biodiversity
- Updates from projects worldwide
- Dates of meetings, events and courses
- Ideas for new ways of beekeeping, new approaches to projects
- Reviews of all the best new books, videos and CDs
- Understanding of the role of beekeeping situations
And finally
- Pride in this fantastic and diverse field!
We are particularly keen for beekeepers who have no access to other bee news or information to receive BfD Journal. If you know of people in this situation, then encourage them to contact us to request a sponsored subscription - this opportunity is only available to beekeepers in developing countries.
Meanwhile, for those of you with access to the internet, take a look at our new website www.beesfordevelopment.org. Here you will find the opportunity fo join debates underway at our message forums, read about our work and events, support Bees for Development Trust, stop off at our Store to buy all your beekeeping books, videos and CDs, and even download this Journal! Have fun, and let us know how you get on.
Nicola Bradbear
Bees for Development
1 Agincourt Street, Monmouth NP25 3DZ, UK Tel: +44 (0)1600 714848 info@beesfordevelopment.org www.beesfordevelopment.org