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Top prize study tour

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In BfDJ 67 we reported that the Beekeeping for Poverty Relief Programme of the Agricultural Research Council, South Africa had been awarded the prestigious Impumelolo Innovations Award. Later in 2003, it was the turn of the Programme to present prizes to the winners of their Beekeeping Master Classes. Out of 45 rural beekeeper participants, the three highest scorers were: Ms Rosie Makhubela, Ms Moira Masipa and Mr Lavious Vilankulu. Their prize? The best! - A Bees for Development Study Tour meeting beekeepers and participating in events in the UK and Ireland. Joined by the Programme's expert trainer, Mr Sidwell Banne, the group spent three weeks in July seeing honey processing, product value addition, apitherapy, visiting hobbyist and commercial beekeepers, equipment suppliers, Buckast Abbey and much more. |In addition the Group attended two major events: the Devon Beekeepers’ Biennial Conference in Exeter, and the Federation of lrish Beekeepers’ Annual Course at Gormanston near Dublin. Throughout their programme Friends of Bees for Development welcomed the visitors and ensured a highly memorable visit. We are grateful to all involved, and especially Mr Gareth Baker, Proprietor of Wye Valley Apiaries.


Bees for Development arranges beekeeping visits world-wide

Interested in a Study Tour? We can organise study tours that last for a few days or for several months in duration.

Or how about a Beekeepers’ Safari? A holiday to remember!

Adventure « Travel « New friends « New cultures

Beekeepers and non-beekeepers alike have been enjoying our award-winning Safaris since 1996

Next opportunity: Tobago and Trinidad 21-31 March 2005

South India (dates to be confirmed)

Our Safaris are organised in co-operation with our overseas partners. Our Safaris and Study Tours are part of our work to raise awareness of the role of beekeeping in development.

For details of these events contact Bees for Development NOW!

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