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Apimondia 2005

The 39th APIMONDIA International Apicultural Congress takes place in Dublin, Ireland from 21 - 26 August 2005

Next August will bring an amazing meeting of bee enthusiasts from around the world. Thousands will participate in what will be the largest International Congress ever organised in Dublin, and every aspect of bees, beekeeping and apicultural science will be covered.

Apimondia Standing Commission for Beekeeping for Rural Development

Workshops 23-25 August


We anticipate that many people from developing countries will participate in the Congress. In addition to the Plenary Session on Day 1 (Monday 22 August) during the following three days Tuesday 23 - Thursday 25 August, a series of short practical sessions will include:

Candle making


Making hives

Solar-wax extractors

Processing bee products

Top-bar hives

Hives for stingless bees

Value added products

Management tips

Marketing tips

It is not necessary to register separately for these workshops: participation is included in your Congress Registration Fee. Contact Bees for Development if you have a special beekeeping skill that you would like to demonstrate during these Workshops.

Apimondia Standing Commission for Pollination and Bee Flora

Workshop 22 August


The Standing Commission for Pollination and Bee Flora will organise this Workshop in co-operation with NECTAR (the Netherlands Expertise Centre for Tropical Apicultural Resources) and the International Honey Commission, endorsed by the FAO of the UN. The Workshop will provide an introduction to simple methods of microscopic analysis of the botanical origin of honey and related characteristics: the focus will be on pollen analysis. The Workshop is intended for people from developing countries, but others are invited to take part if capacity allows. For this very basic workshop we do not focus on experts in this field. Participation is free and will be based on separate registration: please write directly to the Standing Commission at m.j.sommeijer@bio.uu.nl. The Workshop will take place if 20 participants register, with a maximum capacity of 50 participants.


Honey Shows have a long and important tradition within Ireland. The Dublin Congress will host the very first World Honey Show. The Contest is not only for honey: there are also classes for beeswax, candles, mead and honey confectionary. Why not enter and take home a prize! Forms and details of entry can be downloaded from the Congress website: www.apimondia2005.com


If you intend to present a paper at Apimondia, you must submit an abstract (summary) of your paper by 1 May 2005.

Do this at the Apimondia website ww.apimondia2005.com

Congress Registration

Eligible delegates from developing countries are entitled to a discounted Registration Fee. You will obtain even further discount if you register before 1 June 2005.

Funding to participate in the Congress

You will need funding to cover your costs of travel, subsistence, and the Registration Fee. For hints on preparing a proposal to obtain funding, visit the Bees for Development website at www.beesfordevelopment.org and download the files on Finding Funding.


Apimondia 2005,c/o Ovation Group, 1 Clarinda Park, North Dun Laoghaire, Co Dublin IRELAND

Tel: (+353) 1280 2641

Fax: (+353) 1280 2665

E-mail: apimondia2005@ovation.ie

Web: www.apimondia2005.com

Bees for Development at the Congress

Bees for Development and the Irish Aid Agency Bóthar (www.bothar.org) are co-operating to have a stand at Apimondia. Within this area, space will be available for organisations based in developing countries to display their work. It is essential that you contact us in advance if you would like to display your work.

Bees for Development Honey Trade Workshop 19-20 August 2005

This Workshop is being organised by Bees for Development. It is part of our DFID BLCF Project on African Honey. It will take place for two days prior to the Congress, in Jurys' Ballsbridge Hotel, near to the Congress venue. The specific purpose of the Workshop is to enable honey marketing organisations in Africa and other developing countries to understand requirements for honey intended for import by the EU. Participants will be guided in the steps needed to prepare a Residue Monitoring Scheme to meet EU requirements.

Registration Fee Participants from developing countries - 100 Euros Participants from other countries - 200 Euros

Participation is strictly limited, and applicants from developing countries will be given priority. Book early if you would like to attend.

Registration for this Workshop is at the Apimondia Congress website: www.apimondia2005.com


will take place in November 2005, under the auspices of the Apimondia Standing Commission for Beekeeping for Rural Development.

Details on page 16

APIMONDIA is the World Federation of Beekeepers' Associations

...and represents the interests of beekeepers worldwide. Apimondia organises a major international Congress every second year.

Recent Congresses have taken place in Vancouver (1999), Durban (2001) and Ljubljana (2003).

It is Dublin's turn this year, and the next Congress will take place in Melbourne, Australia in 2007.

See Look Ahead, PAGE 13

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