1 minute read

Trees bees use Jimson weed - Datura stramonium

Apicultural value

Datura stramonium \s a good source of nectar for bees


Kwaroko (Hausa-Nigeria), Segede (Yoruba-

Nigeria), Osho (Iluen-Nigeria) Jimson Weed,

Mad-apple, Thorn apple, Devil's apple,Nightshade


Jimson Weed flowers throughout the year, more in the rainy season May to November.

The bees visit the plant in the early hours ofthe morning.


In Nigeria the plant is not a farm crop but it is planted as a biological control for termites around buildings and for repelling snakes. It is equally potent for treating snake bites. The leaves from Jimson Weed are pounded and soaked in water as a biological pesticide for controlling insects, particularly termites. The seeds are reportedly used as an admixture for palm wine and local brews to enhance their intoxicating effects. The plant is reported to have medical uses: for treating aches, abscesses, arthritis, asthma, and gastrointestinal problems. It is a good Stimulant and has antibiotic, narcotic and anodyne properties.

Thanks to Nelson Abila of Busho Serenity Foundation, Nigeria for supplying the text and photograph.

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