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In Issue 78

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Back Cover

ISSUE No 78 March 2006


Inside information ............................. 2

Caribbean Congress .......................... 3

Letters............................................... 4

Training in Malta ............................... 6

Practical beekeeping ......................... 7

Chalk brood in Ethiopia ..................... 8

Practical beekeeping ......................... 9

Look and Learn Ahead ..................... 10

Notice Board ................................... 10

News around the World ................... 11

Bookshelf........................................ 14

At the centre of this cluster of beekeepers in an apiary in Trinidad, Professor David de Jong from the University of São Paulo, Brazil is demonstrating how to find Varroa mites, during the field visits that formed part of the Fourth Caribbean Congress held in Trinidad & Tobago in November 2005 (see pages 3 and 4).

© Bees for Develpment

BeesforDevelopment Journal

Editor Nicola Bradbear PhD, Co-ordinator Helen Jackson BSc Publisher Beesfor Development Published quarterly with readers in more than 130 countries


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