6 minute read
Honey flows upwards across chin
Jin Tang-Dong, Cixi Beekeeping Association, Zhejiang Province, China
The Yangtze River, the longest river in China, originates from the western-most Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and eventually flows down into the East China Sea. However, the other way around, there is a buzzing flow of honey across China, which starts on the coast of the East China Sea, horizontally traverses the mainland of China, and ends on the Plateau, with a journey 3,450 km long and 3,500 m in altitude. For beekeeper Miao and his bees, the theory of 'upward honey flow’ is ingrained. Year after year, Miao has been pursuing this upward flow of honey for fun and profit.
The starting point
Every year the honey flow available for Miao and his colonies starts at home. This is the beginning of February, when the greengage trees come into bloom. Miao's hometown lies in the north coastal part of Cixi City, Zhejiang Province. Cixi is named ‘The bee village of China’ and faces the East China Sea. Miao has been successfully working with his bees for 38 years. He has a large operation of220 colonies with 440 queens. Annually, from November to March, he conducts bee colony wintering and in spring rebuilds his apiary, located at the foot of a hill within a small distance of the town.
Despite the outside temperature ranging from 0-15°C, Miao becomes busy with his colonies in early spring, to be ready in time for the honey flow from greengage. During the first 10 days of January, Miao sets free all the caged wintering queens to start developing colonies. Miao prefers to maintain two queens in a hive bottom box, as this can enable rapid growth of the honeybee population. The two queens are in two compartments, separated by a board in the middle of the bottom box. Simultaneously, a soft, nutritious patty made from pollen (collected from tea tree flowers), honey, effective microbes and water are placed on the top-bar of the frame to stimulate the colony's build-up.
In the middle of February, the newly emerged bees are old enough for outside work when the greengage trees on nearby hills are in bloom. The greengage flowers are very captivating and attractive for the bees. Although they cannot produce a surplus of honey, they provide the basis for the year's honey flow.
By the middle of March, Miao's colonies have become stronger and the first super is added on to the bottom box, separated by a queen excluder. At this time, bees from both areas of the bottom box work together in the super. Soon the colonies are reaching their maximum strength. Miao will then determine when it is time to leave for the next station of the honey flow.
Honey flows
China's climate is hot and humid in the south-eastern areas, but becomes cooler and drier toward the north-west. There is a great biological diversity - over 10,000 varieties of flowering plants that are utilised by bees. The honey flow moves with the blooming of nectar plants in a north-west direction. Around 20th March, Miao and his bees leave the greengage location, cross the Yangtze River and arrive in Wuhu of Anhui Province. Miao sets up his tent and solar equipment near the north bank of the river and begins to live a nomadic life. The climate here is suitable for agricultural crops. Brassica (rape) is the major nectar source in spring. A few days after their arrival, the colonies reach their peak population of over 18 frames per hive, just as Brassica bursts into blossom. Every year at this location, Miao harvests a crop of about 15,000 kg of honey and 180 kg of royal jelly.
On 25th April, Miao moves northwards 500 km to Tangshan Plain within Anhui Province. In this plain there are large areas of black locust trees in bloom, distributed around villages. Black locust Robinia pseudacacia |s one of the major nectar sources on the honey flow route. It has good nectar secretion, producing excellent quality honey. Its blooming period is only about 10 days, and unfortunately, it usually happens to bloom when monsoons begin to sweep across the region.
The wind is a major factor affecting the secretion of nectar. Dry and hot winds from the south-west will not only cause flowers to wither, but also shorten their blooming period. However, Miao uses this source to produce at least 4,000 kg of this single-flower honey. It is water white in colour with the unique fragrance of the black locust flower.
On 3rd May the honey flow leads upwards to a new location in the northwest of China. To keep pace with it, Miao and his bees take a journey of 1,200 km to Yongshou, Shanxi Province. Yongshou is mostly mountainous and located west of Xi'an, which is one of the most ancient capitals in China and the starting point of the famous Silk Road to the West. The Chinese Annual Acacia Flower Festival is held at this time in Yongshou. Here Miao may harvest 5,000-6,000 kg of black locust honey. Miao always sells his bee products for a better price due to the Festival and Miao's reputation as a great, high-quality beekeeper.
On 1st June, Miao resumes his trudge of migratory beekeeping to the low reach of the north-west Yellow Plateau of China, over 1,000 m above sea level, in the territory of Ping Liang County of Gansu Province. The Yellow Plateau is considered the cradle of Chinese culture. The complex landscape brings to this region ecological diversity, providing rich nectar resources for beekeeping such as black locust, purple flowered sweet clover, horse bean and thyme. After gathering nectar from these plants, Miao's dwindling bee colonies can be rebuilt and expand their population by 30-50%, ready for the final honey hunting move.
Honey flow ends on the highest plateau
The terminus of the whole honey flow is located on the furthest west part of China: the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in Qinghai Province. At the end of June, Miao restarts his journey toward the westernmost and highest nectar location, with an elevation of 3,500 m above sea level. Miao finally arrives at the Gobi area, where no beekeepers had ever been prior to Miao's arrival three years ago. There the temperature ranges from 25-28°C in daytime to below 0°C at night. This is conducive for honey plants to secrete more nectar. In addition to the unique climate, vast areas of flowering plants, as well as low human population and no pollution, provide the most excellent base for honey production. Both honey and royal jelly harvested here are very popular at home and abroad.
At the Plateau, Miao's first crop reaches as much as 15,000 kg of honey from the Brassica flowers stretching to the horizon. After the Brassica, another nectar source that dominates areas around the Gobi comes intobloom. Miao does not know its name, but it serves as the last important source of income for Miao's operation during the year. Honey from this grass-like plant seems to have the same quality as black locust in colour and taste. Miao thinks it will become a popular monofloral honey in the future: it has tremendous potential for increased honey production.
The honey flow described above keeps Miao with bees, and bees with flowers, from January to August. At the end of August, Miao ends his migratory beekeeping life and returns home.
Along this golden honey flow Miao experiences arduousness of beekeeping as well as great joy of harvest with an income of more than 200,000 RMB (US$25,000 €19,500).
We are grateful to Mr Miao for his beekeeping story, and to Mr Lou Jian-Neng for his pictures.