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New leaflets available from IBRA
Information leaflet 1:
Information available from the International Bee Research Association. 6 pp.
This leaflet lists published information which is available from IBRA free of charge to individuals and Institutes in developing countries, and also gives details of publications on tropical beekeeping which can be purchased from IBRA.
Information leaflet 2:
The Management of Africanized honeybees by Dr Nicola Bradbear and Dr David De Jong. 4 pp.
This illustrated leaflet is intended for beekeepers in South and Central America who are having to adapt their methods of beekeeping to successfully manage Africanized bees. The leaflet gives practical guidance on clothing and equipment, apiary siting, colony management and changing queens.
Leaflet 2 is available in English and Spanish.
The above leaflets have been prepared under grant aid from the Overseas Development Administration, UK, and are available free of charge to beekeepers in developing countries.