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Enclosed with this edition you will find your own copies of two new Posters. The first (Information Poster 1) is a new edition of our popular ‘Ten good reasons why beekeeping sustains livelihoods’. The second Poster (Information Poster 2) explains pollination - the vital step in plant reproduction achieved by bees, which is not well enough appreciated. While we hope you enjoy these Posters, as a reader of this Journal, we know that you are already well informed of these issues! The purpose of the Posters is to inform others - so do place them somewhere prominent, and spread the word further. The Posters are available also in Mandarin, Portuguese and Spanish language editions.

This edition brings you news of beekeeping development right around the globe – from nuns providing training in the Philippines (page 7), via good honey business underway in Nepal (page 6) and Ethiopia (page 5), to updates from two Caribbean countries that have featured rather little in these pages until now: Guyana and Haiti (page 8). Bookshelf describes a great crop of new books, reports and DVDs. Have a good read, and then decide where to put your Posters!

Bees for Development Journal

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