Bees for Development Journal Edition 83 - June 2007

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Bees/o, Development Journal 83






Pam Gregory, UK

Four years on

The Small Beekeepers’ Development and Research Association (SBDARA) Project represents the combined efforts of over 100 beekeeping groups to improve their incomes. At the start of the Project, the distance from the urban markets and lack of transport made it hard for the beekeepers to sell their honey for a good price. People were trading from a position of



in a buyers’ market. Unscrupulous traders cheated the beekeepers by taking the honey never to return, so beekeepers lost both their crops and storage containers.

More than half of the honey produced in Bulgaria is exported to other countries, mainly

We set out to create a co-operative marketing organisation that provided a convenient and honest outlet for beekeepers to sell their honey. At the start of the Project Bees Abroad (a UK beekeeping charity) provided capital to allow honey to be purchased from the villagers for immediate cash, to pay for honey storage and retail containers, as well as transport to collect and sell honey plus wages and overheads.

within the EU, reports the Chairman of Sofia’s Bulgarian Apiarist Union. Bulgaria produces 6,000--8,000 tonnes of honey annually of

which 4,000-5,000 tonnes are exported. Bulgarians’ honey consumotion is very low only 150-200g per person per year. Beekeepers recently had clashes with

They also sponsored the development of a resource and packing centre (see left) where

legislation amendments, which imposed taxes on their production.

the Project keeps demonstration hives. The centre has a garden with fruit trees and a tree

Source: FOCUS News Agency www.

aursery, which SBDARA have now started to develop into commercial enterprise.


SBDARA are building up a system of villag based field extension services with locally


appreciate the sponsored subscription to BfD Journal, for have just started beekeeping with Apis cerana. This was possible because Rubber Board, a body constituted by the

based trainers. There are seven excellent trainers and by the end of 2007 they will all have taken the British Beekeepers’



Association Assessment in Basie African Beekeeping this is a high quality, practical demonstration of a person’s beekeeping capability and is designed for beekeeping trainers working in African conditions. Trainers have bicycles so they can hold sessions in the villages. SBDARA buys honey from the beekeepers and packs it into bottles with good labels. They search out new customers and deliver the honey using the local minibus for transport. In 2006, over 7 tonnes of honey was sold.

Government of India for the development of rubber plantations in India, implemented beekeeping courses for Rubber Producers’

Societies throughout Kerala State. Asa member of the local Society, had the opportunity to attend a course. Subsequently in December 2006, bought four colonies and |

Beekeeper involvement is central to the Project and is encouraged by establishing beekeeping clubs. There are 10 -12 people per club, 10 clubs to a zone and 10 zones to a district. People pay a small subscription to belong to a club and are given a beekeepers record card to show they are producers. Each club elects a representative to the zonal committee, while each zonal


am proud to say that all of them are in good health. The main nectar source are the |

flowers of rubber trees and the season starts in February. Our area has plenty of small-

scale rubber plantations and therefore good scope for beekeeping.

PC Paul,

Angamaly, Kerala

Beekeeping development workshop The International Workshop on Integrated Beekeeping Development in South Asian Countries took place in New Delhi, in

November 2006. The Workshop was organised by Century Foundation with financial support from FAO. Summary of the Resolutions:

International Centre for Apicultural Research and Training: There is urgent need for the establishment of a Centre that supports beekeepers, the bee industry and farmers.

Honey bee resources: South Asian countries are blessed with diversified bee fauna, suitable weather conditions and rich honey potential to

support beekeeping all year round. It is recommended that suitable measures be initiated for the conservation of wild honey bees.

Bee flora. Surveys of honey bee flora and preparation of floral calendars for different ecological zones in South Asian countries are needed.

Standardisation of beekeeping equipment and technology. Development of appropriate technology and regular reviews of management practices are needed for the development of sustainable beekeeping.

Organic beekeeping and hive products: The awareness of organic honey and its marketing potential should be encouraged. Clear marketing strategies to sell hive products are necessary to increase financial benefits in


national and international markets.

Honey bee protection: Strategic approaches should be implemented to enforce certificatio of disease-free status of colonies with a network of laboratories for identification, testing and contro! of bee diseases and pests.

Research, development and extension: It is recommended that each country in the region establish R&D and training centres.

Dr V Sivaram, Organising Secretary about BfD Resource Boxes at

J S Karunaratha sent this picture as part of his Resource Box Report on the Workshop held at the Horticultural Crops Research & Development Institute in Gannoruwa. The meeting recorded 50 participants. S

Bees for Development helps projects in developing countries with copies of BfD Journal and other publications for use at training courses and workshops. We must receive your request three months ahead of the meeting date with an indication of the number of participants. Further information

10 index.


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