LOOK AHEAD ARGENTINA Propoleos y Buenas Practicas Apicolas y de Manufactura
22-23 June 2007, Sociedad
en Gonzalez
Further details informes@sada.org.ar
PUERTO RICO NOTE: NEW DATES ter Congreso Antillano de Apicultura 1-4 November 2007, Guayanilla Further details www.mielesdepuertorico.com
RUSSIA APIMONDIA/SICAMM meeting: the Black Bee in Russia April 2008, Moscow Further details www.sicamm.org
Darwin Initiative: Bees and biodiversity in developing countries
SOUTH AFRICA XXXIl International Congress of Entomology 6-12 July 2008, Durban Further details www.ice2008.org.za TANZANIA 2nd National Honey Show
12 September 2007, during Apimondia 2007 Further details www.apimondia2007.com
27-29 September 2007, Dodoma Further details epictanzania@gmail.com
APIMONDIA 40th International Apicultural Congress 9-14 September 2007, Melbourne
IX Congreso Iberoamericano de Apicultura
1-3 September 2008 Further details will appear here
National Honey Show 18-20 October 2007, RAF Hendon, London Further details www.honeyshow.co.uk
Promoting the Development of NTFPs 19-21 September 2007, Beijing
9th International Pollination Symposium 24-28 June 2007, lowa State
Further details www itto.or.jp 9th AAA Conference
26-30 October 2008 1st CIRCULAR AVAILABLE SHORTLY Further details will appear here
ETHIOPIA 6th Annual Conference Ethiopian Beekeepers' Association 18-19 June 2007, Addis Ababa Further details desalegnbegna@yahoo.co.uk
Further deiails Wwww.Ucs. iastate.edu/mnet/plantbee/home.html
LEARN AHEAD Bees for Development can arrange beekeeping study tours and visits. Tailor-made to suit requirements.
Contact us for details.
BFD BEEKEEPERS’ SAFARIS Further details on page 16
IRELAND Irish Beekeepers’ Summer Course 23-28 July 2007, Gormanston
Further details eosbee@indigo.ie
KENYA Baraka College Courses in July, August and October 2007 Further deiails www.sustainableag.org
TURKEY BiyoTematur Bee Safari
4-16 August 2007 Further details
www. biyotematur.com
UK BfD Training Day 8 June 2007, Monmouth
Further details www.beesfordevelopment.org
Eastern Apicultural Society Conference 6-10 August 2007, Delaware Further details
Biennial Bee Weekend — queen rearing 16-17 June 2007, Sutton Coldfield Further details
VIETNAM Role of NTFPs in Poverty Alleviation and Biodiversity Conservation 11-15 June 2007, Hanoi Further details www.cifor.cgiar.org/Events
79th Midland & South Western Counties Convention
August 2 September 2007, Worcester Further details jpgowar@yahoo.co.uk
Recent Trends in Apicultural Science 10-14 June 2007, Mikkeli Further details www.mtkk.heisinki.fi/beesunder/english/
If you want notice of your conference, workshop or meeting to be included here and on our website send details to Bees for Development, Troy, Monmouth, NP25 4AB, UK,
E-mail info@beesfordevelopment.org
IFS ASSISTANCE International Foundation for Science calls for applications for research grants from young scientists in developing countries. Details af
www.ifs.se Application deadline 30 June 2007
African Women's Development Fund helps local, national and regional organisations in Africa working towards women's empowerment. As well as grants, AWDF attempts to strengthen the organisational
Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life has reached 7,000,000 species in its
capacities of its grantees. See www.awdf.org/
quest to complete the first up-to-date, comprehensive catalogue
of all living organisms. A result of worldwide collaboration involving the work of 3,000 biologists and contributions from 50 a
PROJECT PROVISION FAQ, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN, supports beekeeping projects in developing countries. Beekeepers’ groups and associations may apply for small project funding of up to US$10,000
databases the project plans to cover all estimated 1.75 million known
species by 2011. Visit www.catalogueoflife.org BEE CRAFT A full colour monthly magazine for beginners and experts alike covering all aspects of beekeeping in the UK and Ireland. 22 for 12 issues (one year). Credit cards accepted. For free sample copy and overseas rates contact secretary@bee-craft.com
from the TeleFood Special Fund. Request documents should include a brief description of the project's objectives, the proposed food
production or income-generating activities, the work plan, the number of participants, a detailed list of inputs with cost estimates and the
reporting arrangements. Submit your request to the office of FAO or UNDP in your country. Applications for projects with budgets over
www.fao.org and Remember to tell BfO the outcome of your
News, practical information and research articles - a link between Turkish beekeeping and the world. Published quarterly in Turkish with
English summaries. Contact www.uludagaricilik.org
US$10,000 must be submitted through a Government Ministry. See