Bees for Development Journal Edition 86 - March 2008

Page 8

Bees/v; Development Journal 86





111,369 km2

Climate Hot and humid with high rainfall. The dry season from October to April has hot days and cool to cold nights. The rainy season is wet and cloudy with frequent heavy showers (Apri! to October).

Vegetation Three areas - Mangrove swamps and beaches along the coast, wooded hills and semi deciduous scrublands along the immediate interior, and


dense tropical forests and plateaux in the interior. Liberia has 40% of West Africa's rain forest.




3.3 million e MONROVIA

People Ethnic groups: Kpelle 20%, Bassa 16%, Gio 8%, Kru 7%, 49% Spread over 12 other ethnic groups

Religions: Christian 40%, Muslim 20%, animist 40% Education: Literacy (2003) 20% AIO

Health: Life expectancy (2005) 42.5 years


Work force: Agriculture 70%; industry 15%: services 2%. Unemployment is 80% in the formal sector.

Economy GDP (IMF 2005 estimate): US$548.4 million Real GDP growth rate (2005): 5.3%

Per capita GDP (2005): US$119.4 Average annual inflation (2005): 6.9% Natural resources: Diamonds, gold, iron ore, rubber, timber and tin. The Government of Liberia believes there may be sizable deposits of crude oil

along its Aflantic Coast. Trade (2005): Exports US$112 million (of which rubber US$99 million). Major markets Germany, Greece, Poland and USA. imports US$272

million (petroleum US$89 million; rice US$30 million; donor and foreign direct investment-related US$141 million).


Kwame Aidoo (right) describes the workings of top-bar hives. This one is ona bamboo hive stand

Kwame Aidoo explains protective clothing

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