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Notice board
Bee for Life Family Project is looking for donors to support their efforts to assist beekeepers in Teso Region, eastern Uganda. The aim is to provide a guaranteed market to beekeepers: the lack of domestic market for honey has made beekeeping activities dormant here. The Project is working hard to develop the beekeeping industry hoping to bring income to rural communities living in poverty. We are seeking grant support of US$310,000. /f you can help, please contact us through BFD. Omutoj Patrick, Project Manager.
IFS calls for applications for research grants from young scientists in developing countries see www.ifs.se
FAO, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN, supports beekeeping projects in developing countries. Beekeepers’ groups and associations may apply for small project funding of up to US$10,000 from the TeleFood Special Fund. Request documents should include a brief description of the project’s objectives, the proposed food production or income-generating activities, the work plan, the number of participants, a detailed list of inputs with cost estimates and the reporting arrangements. Submit your request to the office of FAO or UNDP in your country. See www.fao.org and inform BfD of the outcome of your application.
For the beekeeper and bee scientist Apiacta the Apimondia Journal. Available online from www.apimondia.org
A full colour monthly magazine for beginners and experts alike covering all aspects of beekeeping in the UK and Ireland. 22 for 12 issues (one year). Credit cards accepted. For free sample copy and overseas fates contact secretary@bee-craft.com
News, practical information and research articles - a link between Turkish beekeeping and the world. Published quarterly in Turkish with English summaries. See www.uludagaricilik.org