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New services in the new year
Next year beekeepers in Africa will be able to access our new African Beekeeping InformationPortal. Ms Pam Gregory has recently joined our team to work on this for 12 months. ThePortal will mean more and better information available on our website, and new publications available too. This new service is made possible with financial support from two donors:
The Wales for Africa Fund of the Welsh Assembly Government
Richard Rowse and Brian Butcher, by way of the Rowse Family Trust
At the same time, Bees for Development’s whole Information Service and website are being upgraded. The website will contain much more information, arranged such that it is readily accessible. Here at Bees for Development we hold vast stocks of beekeeping information, most of it in paper format. The process of making more of this accessible to everyone is great task. We hope also to develop way to enable people working in specific fields to readily make contact with one another. We will be working on this in the coming year. The costs of providing our Information Service to you via our enquiry answering, website and through this Journal/ are being supported by three Foundations:
Anglo American Group Foundation
Panta Rhea Foundation
Synchronicity Foundation
Bees for Development Trust gratefully acknowledges this support