Bees for Development Journal Edition 94 - March 2010

Page 12

Bees for Development Journal 94


We have established the Northern Beekeepers’ Association and Manyselok HB is our project. The project apiary is located in Foley Siding, 40 km from Francistown where 80% of the village population of 475 are unemployed. We own 15 hives but only nine are usually colonised at any time and absconding of colonies is a big challenge to overcome. We are planning a workshop




NEWS AROUND THE WORLD Dr Nik Soriani presented a paper on The activities of Tualang honey as an anti-cancer Supplement at the 2nd International Conference on the Medicinal Use of Honey. This was organised by the Federal Agricultural

to encourage more people to take up beekeeping.

Marketing Authority that has subsequently provided USM with 1.3 tonnes of Tualang

Onosi Seloka and Justice Manyothwane. Manyselok HB. Tonota

honey for use in future research.

Tualang honey is extracted from Apis dorsata nests on Tualang trees that grow to a height of 29 m. The trees are found in East Asian rainforests, mostly in Peninsular Malaysia, Borneo, Palawan, north-east Sumatra and southern Thailand. Each tree can hold more than 100 nests. The bees are said to prefer the Tualang tree because the branches start at

least 3 metres above the ground and the trunk is slippery, making it hard for honey-loving sun bears to climb.


PAKISTAN abantleysat



Forty worried bee farmers convened at the Cameroon Cultural Centre in Buea in January to develop recommendations towards a

Professor Madya Dr Nik Soriani Yaacob, Head of the Universiti Sains Malaysia's (USM)

Lyonga, who organised the workshop to create awareness in the sector. The bee farmers formed the Southwest House of Bee Farmers,

SOWEBEEH. Among problems facing the bee farmers are difficulty in colonising hives, insufficient funds and equipment, inadequate marketing Skills and strategies, lack of collaboration from partners due to conflicting ideas combined with general ignorance about the



was resolved that a policy be

enacted based on needs to: *

provide training in beekeeping and marketing of bee products

introduce law(s) to protect bees and uphold beekeeping for eco-system conservation

enhance the environment for bees, human and livestock habitation

include beekeeping in the school curriculum and involve youth in the sector institute a marketing structure and quality control.

Source: Azore Opio

and significant cytotoxic effect on cancer cells cultured in the lab. "Cancer cells

treated with Tualang honey went through an apoptosis process where cancer cells die, a process that normally does not happen. Also Tualang honey can expedite the effect of tamoxifen that is used to kill cancer cells”, she said. The research is in the early stages and more detailed study is necessary.


supports education and fights poverty through skill-building. Through the Foundation, she heard about the Empowerment through honey bee farming project, or Plan Bee, and the


chance to train as a beekeeper. The northern and Chitral regions of Pakistan are ideal for honey production. The project trains women, helping them to package honey for sale at a premium price, and linking them with lucrative markets, including top hotels. The Foundation buys honey on condition that the beekeepers send their children to good schools, have regular check-ups and

improved nutrition.


the hope of raising more


national policy on bee farming. "I believe that you can have an impact," said Rural Women Development Centre Co-ordinator, Beatrice

Department of Pathology reported that honey from Tualang trees has anti-cancer qualities

to Haji Samad Khan, who is blind, for 8 years. The couple have two children. Jur has been assisted by the Hashoo Foundation, which



The Centre de Promotion de |’Apiculture et de l’Agriculture au Nord—Kivu (CEPANKI) was established in 2005. The Association has 26 members (22 men and 4 women) and is located in Kibati, 12 km from Goma in North Kivu.

CEPANK! manages three sites in the territories of Masisi, Nyiragongo and Rutshuru and has a communal field experiment at Kibati. CEPANKI’s objective is to improve conditions for beekeepers Kibati and North Kivu by increasing the production of bee products and in

sustaining the environment. We are seeking financial support. if you can assist please contact us c/o BFD.

Jean Kakule Musubao, Co-ordinator, CEPANKI



Onosi Seloka and customers at the 2009 National Youth Expo in Gaborone

Jur Bus is 24 years old and has been married

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