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Dr Nizar Haddad, Head of the Bee Research Unit based in Baq’a has been selected by the Jordanian Government to win an award from the prime minister of Jordan – the Ideal and Outstanding Government Employees Award for 2009. Dr Haddad is one of 10 winners and received the award in recognition of the research and development work he has carried out with honey bees.



FAO, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN, supports beekeeping projects in developing countries.

TeleFood Special Fund

Beekeepers’ groups and associations may apply for small project funding of up to US$10,000. Request documents should include a brief description of project objectives, proposed food production or income-generating activities, work plan, number of participants, detailed list of inputs with cost estimates and reporting arrangements. Submit your request to the FAO or UNDP office in your country. See www.fao.org and inform BfD of the outcome of your application.

1% for Development Fund

Small grants to enable community based beekeeping projects in developing countries to get off the ground. Applicants must clearly define objectives and how they are to be attained. See One-Per-Cent-Fund@FAO.org


The UK’s leading monthly beekeeping magazine. View a digital copy and subscribe on line at www.bee-craft.com


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