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Support for training

Bf D Training Modules and Training Cards are for use by beekeeper trainers in Africa. Each booklet provides one day of training on one topic. The cards provide pictures and plans illustrating techniques discussed in the booklets.
Projects and associations in developing countries can apply for a Sponsored Resource Box by filling out an application form on our website, or request a form by email.
Projects in other areas can purchase Resource Boxes through our website store

API-EXPO AFRICA 2010 Lusaka, Zambia 20-23 October 2010
A showcase for Africa’s honey industry creating awareness of market and investment opportunities, and to demonstrate the relationship between beekeeping and other industries throughout Africa
ApiExpo Africa is an initiative of ApiTrade Africa, a not-for-profit member-based organisation with a Secretariat in Uganda. A platform to spearhead the cause of the apiculture sector in Africa through trade.
Supported by




Further details www.apitradeafrica.org
Welcome to Grenada 6th Caribbean Beekeeping Congress
8-13 November 2010
The Government of Grenada, Grenada Association of Beekeepers and the Association of Caribbean Beekeeping Organizations invite you to share the latest information in apiculture and experience the warmth, hospitality and beauty of Grenada.
We invite beekeepers, scientists, technicians, hobbyists, equipment suppliers and other stake holders to interact and exchange ideas and experiences. You are welcome to visit our apiaries and participate in hands-on experience with our beekeepers on the Island of Grenada and our sister Isle of Carriacou.
More information www.6cbcgrenada.gd/Home.aspx
Email: info@beekeepers.gd

If you would like to receive BfD Journal but you cannot pay the £20 subscription, apply for a sponsored subscription.
Download an application form from our website, send an email to journalrequest@beesfordevelopment.org
Or send a letter. We need to know your name, organisation, full postal address, email address (if any), plus a few details about your beekeeping activities.
Our sponsored subscription service is available to resource-poor beekeepers, projects, and groups in developing countries and is supported with funds raised by BfD Trust.

Busan, South Korea, 4-7 November 2010
Hosted by: Asian Apicultural Association, Korea Beekeeping Association and the Apicultural Society of Korea
Congress theme
Green life with bee world
Congress sessions
• Apiculture extension
• Bee biology
• Bee products and apitherapy
• Beekeeping economy
• Beekeeping technology
• Bees and the environment
• Melliferous flora and pollination
• Pests and diseasesMore information: www.aaa2010.or.kr